The Paradox Series By Wordstrings, Sherlock/John I Just read through this series (over a couple days, because I had to go to class at some point and require mundane things like sleep and food). And omg, I can't believe this isn't cannon. WHY ISN'T THIS CANNON? This should be cannon. I don't think I'll be able to watch the next season without getting this confused with what's happening in the show. This is brilliant and beautiful and twisted in such a delicious way, and so so lovely.
I LOVE Sherlocks lists of Things Fine and Not Fine. I actually think they're kind of sweet, in the way 82% dark chocolate is sweet. All dark and bitter, but so sinfully good. If it was anyone else in the world it would be weird and creepy, but it's not. It's Sherlock, and he's weird and a bit creepy, and I can see the reasoning behind the Things and so it works. For him, it works.
Needless to say, it's getting rec'd. Rec'd so hard it won't know what happened to it.