Went all the way back through the 6 weeks of my f-list and have a list of fic I need to catch up on. BECAUSE I'VE GONE MAD WITH POWER. Or something.
Keep Calm and Conceal Vulcans, part 9 what? I thought I had LJ alerts for this fic. Lj, you failed me.
The Adventure of the Illustrious Idiot Sherlock, S/J
ASD:f a;dfha'orih'ortih This is pure, bloody genius.
marysutherland has Sherlock's voice down so perfectly. I love the sarcasm directed at the reader, and her explanation for why John moves out of 221b. I makes sense in such a Sherlokian way.
Tomorrow Comes Today Inception, A/E
Lillies in the Field Inception, A/E
I'd Forget to Smile (and then I Met You) Inception A/E
Claude and Eustace, Matchmakers Jooster
Love in the Time of Marmite Inception, A/E
Medic! Sherlock, S/J And Zombies (Oh please let that be actual and not a cruel metaphor.)
To Emerald City Inception, A/E