As the year approaches its end.

Dec 17, 2011 15:16

It's been quite a year!

I've been traveling at lot more this year and it's added up a bit. The kids were struggling with not knowing if I'd be home when they woke up in the morning. It wasn't so much the time I spent away but the fact it was only a day or two at a time in quick succession. As a result I rather drifted through the winter, especially spiritually. We have been blessed to have Holly's sister Hannah with us for a few months and after the Rugby World Cup my workload has been a lot less. In the last few weeks of her visit we made some deliberate changes to our daily routines, not that we have a set routine so it's more like setting priorities which are a lot more focused on God. We've seen such a vast improvement! We've also been better at organising the house. It's like Hannah has given us the platform to use as a springboard in keeping all those home things ticking over smoothly. It's also been great having her here to help out while Holly was dealing with morning sickness. Both Hilary and Hannah have now had a turn 'looking after us' during such times and we're so grateful for them blessing us in that way. So we've got a Squab due on June 20th next year which is exciting. Symeon is almost four and a half and his capacity for learning and observing things is a delight, especially when he asks questions about Bible readings. Verity is almost three and is such a little girl. She loves her snuggles in the morning with me. Raynier in the last few weeks has moved from being a baby into the first stages of toddlerhood. He's learnt how to get onto the other kids' little trikes and loves racing around the house. It's almost like a teenager getting the keys to the family car and reveling in his independence. So as I find myself 'halfway to seventy' and approaching the New Year things are looking at lot better than they were a month ago. Praise God.
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