First entry of the new year

Jan 01, 2006 15:45

Yay, e've entered the next set of months over again! Lol, I kind of feel like I'm celebrating re-runs. Anyway, yeah it's the new year. I'm at my dad's house, and I tried to sleep last night. The next door neightbors were seting of a firework approx. every 15-30 mins. I stayed up to 12:00 even though I didn't want to.

Last night I had a vegetable white sauce pizza (My dad's a health nut, and that is whatr he considers to bve unhealthy) which was very good and surprisingly filling. After that we played cards and a game called sequence. Then I learned how tro play BlackJack and totally kicked my dad's ass. I took all of his chips, so he started playing with another stack. I would've gotten those too if he hadn;t gotten lucky with an all in when half his SECOND set of chips were gone. He says I should become a dealer in Vegas, lol.
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