Apr 16, 2006 20:13
You can be Christian and still smoke/drink/etc. Everything isn't always going to be perfect and GOD turns his cheek to naievety. Clearly stated in the bible. I am tired of these super straight edge kids trying to act like they are the most Christian people in the world. Did you know that judging others is also a sin? I sin, I admit it. I am still Christian even though I fuck up sometimes. Don't be upset that some of us can do things and not feel bad about them. Don't be angry that our views are not exactly the same as yours. If you are trying to condemn others for what they are doing, how can YOU call YOURself a true Christian if you think you must be so holy to achieve Christianity?? I'm not trying to say who is and isn't who they say they are. But if you are going to condemn others for their blurred vision and idea of their religion, maybe you should look into your religion a little harder. Maybe your idea and vision is the blurred one. Did you think of that??
Anyway. I am having a wonderful time in Alabama with my best friend Nikky. Tomorrow we are going to the BEACH!!!! Yoouuuu wish you were here. It is fun...super fun. It's a family vaca but I am having a blast. WARM WEATHER KICKS MICHIGANS ASSSS..