So how did the ratings go???
it's a 5X5X5, i mean look at them here..
a very rare event and msta made fans' wish came true, or just a coincidence of their releases..
anyways, this ep is still love..
oh awww, aiba having a chat with kimutaku..♥_♥
i wonder what they think to Arashi..XD
*i wish smap could also perform at countdowns..*
First off, TOKIO.. :D
I'm still LSS-ing on this song, and i kept nanana-ing while watching the perf, haha..
unfortunately no toma here.. XD
ok now some lovable caps..♥
*posted only few since my last post is them*
Then, here comes SMAP.
oh I'm so into Shingo lately.. :D
very contrasting ne, the song and their clothes.. *grins*
maaaan, i just realize how I ALSO love this song..
this song is just too sweet for me..♥
aww.. my SMAP otp..XD
Shingo: love is you
me: *melts*
Saigo wa, ARASHI~!!!
I really think that their choreography in moving on is a super mixed of all their steps, haha.. but it's okay, it brings back some memories.. cause most of it is from Muteki~haha
especially with BB.
and yeaaaah, black hair is back~ i just love it!! :D♥♥♥
so as riida's tan skinned.. rofl
the stiff version of my fave step in Move your body..haha
and choooo love it.. what's with this guy lately, he's freaking adorable..XD
another awww moment, Mama to Papa together.. haha
and I end this post with some kazu twirl~ bah. sorry not a gif~ but u can see his belly, i think that's bit better.. *smirk*
he actually started performing with his clothes properly tacked-in and I wonder why you did you moved so much, that that end like that.. If you want to get naked JUST DO IT! no more teasing puhleeze.♥