Theme # 27 : Similarity Kagome Higurashi/Kikyo Pairing 5 of 5

May 04, 2007 00:46

Fandom: InuYasha
Title:  Synonym Soul
Author/Artist:  Wolfchildblazer
Theme:  # 27. Similarity
Pairing/Characters:  Kagome Higurashi/Kikyo
Rating:  G
Disclaimer/claimer: I do not own InuYasha or the characters contained within. 
Notes/Summary: Shojo Ai!  (Companion Piece to Beautiful Hypocrisy) There are too many things I see, and she’s just one of them. However, isn’t she, me in the same sense?

Synonym Soul

The smell of cinnamon wafted on the simple breeze that danced with her raven strands of hair. Moonlight poured upon her dark blue highlights hidden within, and slipped down to illuminate bemused mahogany orbs. She lifted one pale hand to trace the light that rained down from the sky, and smiled slightly. For a moment she fathomed that she could just snatch the moon from the sky and hide it within her hands. Then she dropped her hand along with her small smile, childish fantasies had been dying since she arrived in the feudal era. A small breeze ruffled her dark green skirt, and she gazed down at her school uniform. Another item that pointed out that she did not belong here, and a pang echoed in her young heart. Before she could fall into a depressive silence, a scent on the wind had her turning with a small smile. Glancing once at her entourage she began walking off, blissfully noting that InuYasha hadn’t even noticed.

Love, especially true love was as much a fairy tale as the kingdom’s on far off planets and dimensions. Though, Kagome felt the warming thrum of happiness that flooded her whenever her other half appeared. Once it had been colored with sadness, and slight anger, but no more, understanding strengthening the bond they had. Kagome let a soft smile go, contemplative on this peaceful night as she approached her physical twin.

She wasn’t blind in any sense, Kikyo was everything she wasn’t. Mature and refined, her locks of raven bound, and her earthy brown eyes humming with knowledge. She was the seriousness of the pair, the adult if you will, and Kagome was the opposite. Kagome, well she was wild and free, childish and happy. She tended to entered into situations with her heart and not her logic, but that was Kikyo’s thing. Silently she trekked up beside Kikyo and laced a hand with the other. Kikyo only tilted her head to offer a small smile before gazing back up at the stars. Now she could understand why InuYasha loved her, and why she felt an overwhelming need to be by her side.

Kagome glanced down at their intertwined hands with a soft gaze. Where as they had their differences, they were immensely similar as well. Well, they looked a like, but that was a given because Kagome was Kikyo’s reincarnation. They tended to like some of the same things though, like peace and quiet, hard-headed half-demons, beauty, and other things that are just too many to name. However, they were aggressive when someone threatened themselves or their family and friends. Yes, they were immensely similar as well.

Leaning slightly against the taller girl, Kagome bit her lip in thought. She did always wonder what drew her to the isolated priestess. At first she thought it was because Kikyo was the other part of her soul, but she shook her head at that notion. Even with that, Kagome knew she wouldn’t feel as safe and at peace as she was at moment. Shuffling had her attention on the one on her mind, Kikyo was settling down to sit and tugging her along as well. After all, Kagome was Kikyo’s reincarnation, but at the same time, Kagome was her own person.

Sharing a similar thought they leaned back into the cool grass and gazed into the inky blackness of the sky. Their hands were still clasped with their free hands resting on their stomachs. Kagome glanced over to Kikyo with a bemused grin, and used her free hand to undo the tied hair of Kikyo. Kikyo used her free hand to fan out the now released hair, and turned a little more to Kagome. ‘If only InuYasha could see us now.’ They both thought while sharing warmth. Kagome scooted closer, turning a bit of her body into Kikyo’s and letting her free hand rest across the both of them. Kikyo had the same thought as she repeated the same actions, except her reach was just a little longer.

Even though they have to act like nothing would bring them into a nice atmosphere, and speak in double talk, it was times like this that made it all worth while. Every movement they made in each other’s presence was mirrored, and relaxed. Their soul was shared, and yet it was similar in each person. While Kagome was a little more free and wild, as opposed to Kikyo’s calm and maturity, they had shades of each other. So, while they met with words of hate and anger, they heard and knew the words of love and happiness. Their tones tended to give it away, but no one really looked to close, and didn’t see their similarities.

A few minutes both priestess were resting in each other’s arms. The peaceful night casting a warm atmosphere, and a serene smile was seen on both faces. If they weren’t wearing different clothing, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them. To Kagome, Kikyo was the best friend, the sister, and a love. She also knew without asking Kikyo, it was the same, because in the end they had a similar soul.


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