Fandom: Final Fantasy 7.
Title: Sweet Temptations.
Author/Artist: RogueWarrior869
Theme: No.5; Chocolate.
Pairing/Characters: Reno x Cloud Strife
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer/claimer: I do not own FF7. Square-enix does.
Notes/Summary: Brief kiss and humor.
He frowned and shut his eyes for a moment in an attempt to help ignore the other person in the room.
Hearing a deliberately audible snap, his left eye began to twitch as he shuffled a few papers, loudly, to block out the red head who, he was convinced, had only come by to annoy him.
Said red head had told him that he had spent more time working lately than what was healthy. He had a business to run and thus one of greatest annoyances had to be filled out and filed. Paperwork.
And of course Reno had to come in tempting him away from work with something very few people even knew he liked.
He cracked his right eye half open to see Reno grinning at him and breaking off another piece of the item in his hands and slowly eat it.
Cloud looked down at his paperwork, there was at least another hour of it left and he let out a small sigh.
Reno smirked knowing he was slowly getting to the blond. "Yo, Cloud. Fifteen minutes, I'll give you this and I'll leave you to work." His eyes glinted with mischief as he revealed another item like the one he had but was orange and unwrapped.
Still looking at the paperwork that lay before him, the idea of a short seemed more and more appealing. He had been at it for hours and the rest could be finished when he got back....and he really wanted what Reno was holding.
"Fine." He spoke after setting the papers down neatly and standing up.
WIth a victory grin, Reno stood as well and when Cloud reached him, he handed over the sweet to Cloud who had a little pink on his face as he quickly trapped the shorter blond in a kiss who was quick to respond.
Reno knew he could use those fifteen minutes to get Cloud to agree to a more fun activity. After all, who else could lure Cloud away from work with a reeses?