Jul 06, 2006 01:26
So today was an interesting day. Got a call about 4pm to host the show at the Improv tonight because one of the comics missed his flight. So I opened the show tonight, and though the crowd was small (only about 60 or 70), they were a great crowd. I mean, they even laughed at the set-ups, and even harder at the punch lines. The little audience that could. I had some great crowd-work and even had a couple of call-backs to the crowd work that weren't planned, but absolutely killed. It was a great show. I hope the rest of the shows I have coming up soon are that good.
After the show, got home, talked with Ashley for a few minutes in bed then kissed her goodnight. I closed the bedroom door, and came back in the den. I was getting ready to hop in the shower when my dad called. I had my back to the hallway and was talking on the phone, when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my back. It scared the shit out of me and I jumped, when I turned around, it was Ashley just trying to get around me. I kind of snapped and said something to the effect of "What the fuck? Don't ever do that again!" I didn't mean to be so harsh, but she scared the shit out of me. I got off the phone and tried to explain to her why I got so pissed. I don't know if she understands what kind of environment I grew up in. She knows that my dad was an F.B.I. agent, and that for years he was involved in a high profile case that resulted in us getting death threats and all kinds of shit. What I don't think people get is what that does to a kid. I mean, I am glad that my parents knew I was a smart kid and knew what was going on, and they never tried to bullshit me. They told me that daddy was working a case and the bad guys were mad at him. That I understood. However, as a kid it fucks you up when sometimes you can't play outside because of the threats, or you can't answer the phone, or you can't go to that sleepover, or daddy has to scan the mail at work before you can open your box from Nickelodeon, or any other of a multitude of crazy things. Those things take their toll on a kid, and in my case, it made me paranoid and obsessive compulsive. I sit with my back against the wall at restaurants, and if I am walking down the street and someone is walking towards me, I'll cross the street before I get to them. I can't help it, that's how I am. I hope one day she'll truly understand, and wont think I'm just some raging asshole without reason.
Several people who know me have asked me why I don't talk morein my act about my dad being in the FBI. I have a joke or two, but for the most part, I've never been able to joke about it. I am very personal in my act, and open up about a lot of shit. I am extremely proud of my dad for the work he did, and the example he's set for me. I truly believe the addage, "You'll never learn to be a man, unless you get to see a man." The severity of my childhood experiences is probably what drove me into comedy. My ability to make people laugh was a welcome release and one that I craved and cherished. Maybe I should write thank you letters to those mobsters and felons... on second thought, I'll just tell you folks.