an old fashioned brawl [[closed to John for H&M]]

Jan 18, 2012 20:11

Erica really isn't worrying. Not at all. The pacing she's doing isn't worrying. It's just that her husband is out breaking up a fight when she would really love to be there. Not fighting, of course. No. Not punch throwing. Probably.

Dammit, she wanted to be there.

Rubbing her belly, she sighs softly, looking at the clock and how late it is, knowing John's going to be irritated at the whole thing and she really shouldn't be disappointed that she isn't there. When she hears the key in the door, she moves as fast as she can to the bedroom so that he won't know she's been pacing and sits on the edge of the bed folding laundry, waiting for him to come to her.

h&m, john mcclane

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