Really dumb stuff.

Feb 05, 2004 09:44

O.K, so those of you who know me personally know that I am an absolute sad case whore for RPGing. I like to write, play and design my own games of all kinds.

However, I am yet to find any online game that quite satisfies my thirst, while remaining a) free, and 2) playable over a 56k connection.

This one comes close, though. I found it by doing a Google for online RPGs, and trawling through one of the thousands of 'List' sites that they give you.

This one appeals because of it's "Old School" heritage: it bases itself on the old Choose your Own, or Fighting Fantasy books. it is entirely text based, but you do have an extensive character sheet, and the option to backtrack with almost complete freedom.
In addition, you seem to be able to wander at will through the world, just taking up whatever adventures come your way. It is like there are a bunch of Modules, just lying around the room, each with their own personal GM waiting to run you through it, in each different part of the kingdom. You choose where you go, and what quests you take up. You can meet the NPC who gives you the quest, chat to them, hear their offer, and then walk away if you don't like the sound of it.
Another nice feature seems to be the concept of your character having a Home. You can buy one (apparently) in various places, and use it to rest, and store your gold and unuseable items. So there seems to be some possibility for empire building.

The only dissapointing thing is that it is all single player. I would love the ability to play such games online with my mates. To log in, and say to them at the pub: "Let's all meet on the Plains of Death" and then to be able to go there in the game, and meet everyone. Once there we would then communicate via a live messaging programme built into the game, which randomly allocated epithets like "Quoth Pike" to our messages.

Sadly, I know of no such game. But this is pretty good.

gaming, link

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