Apr 27, 2004 22:46
today at lunch somebody stepped on a mouse. and it was all flat..it made me sad. and then mr. grail came and picked it up and threw it away. :(
after school cory came over and we skated for a while, I nollie 5-0ed my rail..if any of you know what that is. heh. after he left I had a hockey game, which we won
8-4. I scored 2 goals and got 2 assists, what what. yeah whos the greatest. yeah. it also means that we are STILL undefeated. our record is 3-0-2, we are doing great :).
now I'm watching the wings game and they're losing 3-2, but they are gonna take it to those damn canadians in the 3rd period for sure.
in teh words of tommy...I have to get off