Feb 10, 2004 21:46
So I was talking to this kid Chase and yeah, I was amusing myself
AndTheStarsFaII: my friend Sam wants to know if you have a tail
AndTheStarsFaII: Chase my dear, you're not very good at this whole communication thing, ya know that?
AndTheStarsFaII: and Sam says to go fist yourself
AndTheStarsFaII: this dear, makes me sad that you're not talking, cause I would really like to "talk" to you
AndTheStarsFaII: ha, ya like that "talk"....eep! that's dirty!!
AndTheStarsFaII: stop that now!
AndTheStarsFaII: Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!!!!!
AndTheStarsFaII: this is getting boring talking to myself ya know...
AndTheStarsFaII: it really is
AndTheStarsFaII: the fat kid inside me is getting upset and hungry too..he might just like burst out and eat everyone
AndTheStarsFaII: except you cause you're no where to be found
AndTheStarsFaII: okay, I'm done, if he burts out and eats everyone, it is SO your fault!
::+He wouldn't answer and he still isn't! So yeah, if everyone gets eaten by my fat kid, I'm sorry but blame Chase. He'll be the only one alive because the fat kid won't be able to find him!!!