Mar 01, 2006 18:55
Copeland wrote a song about me. That's right. They did. I am their muse. Anyway
Florida was lovely. I wasted my first day there sleeping because I woke up before the crack of dawn to get to the airport. Technically, I never actually went to bed but that's a story for a different day. The weather was awesome all week long; there wasn't a single day where is was cold or rainy. Didn't do anything too exciting...mostly went shopping and exposed myself to skin cancer. Came home at the perfect time; at the point where you start to miss home, but you're not quite sick of Florida. I wouldn't have minded staying at home for an extra week, though.
Came back to MAC on Sunday and my week has already gotten off to a WONDERFUL start. I left my iPod headphones & pencil case at home. I don't know how I am suppose to survive without them...specifically my iPod headphones. My lovely roommate has lent me hers in the meantime but it's just not the same. ahaha. My phone at school is pretty much entering its makes a horrible, scratchy noise all the time and I have to twist the cord into these awkward kama-sutra positions to make it work. The irony of this whole situation is that when I went to the service desk yesterday to ask them what I should do about getting a new phone, they gave me the extention of the Telecommunications Office. THE EXTENTION! Today, the change machine ate my $5.00 and the woman at the counter got angry at me because she said it was broken and that there was a sign, but I'm not an idiot and I wouldn't have put my money in if I had seen an 'Out of Order' sign. THEN she told me she couldn't give me my $5.00 back until someone came to fix the machine, and she got all grouchy when I asked her if she could make change for my other $5.00 bill. Bastard.
My week has not been competely horrible, however. I finally got my bursary check in the mail. I had been waiting for it at home and was getting worried when it never came because I have a huge Visa bill to pay. ahaha, but it has arrived. Tomorrow I have to make a trip downtown to try and find a bank. That should be an adventure. And yesterday I learned how to do my taxes! It was two hours of my life that I know I will never get back, and I completely understand why people pay accountants to do their taxes because it is wretched and complicated, but now I can do them myself! My plan is to fill it all out, and if I owe the government money, I am not going to send them in...but if the government owes me money then I am sending it off to claim my money right away! It's awful, I know. I hope big brother isn't reading this...of course i'll send my taxes in right away...
Anyway, I've heard that cllakmmm is getting together this weekend without the 'A' because I've already made plans to stay here. I'm VERY outraged at all of you, just so you know. Especially you, Leesa Pennell, who NEVER comes home and decides to make all these splendid plans NOW. I'm kidding. I love you. YOU OWE ME YOUR LIFE! :)
Play hard, guys.