[Table One][Kyou Kara Maou] [Conrad/Yuuri]

Sep 22, 2006 00:26

My final set for Table One.

Title: Untitled
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#6 Pushing forty
Word Count: 95
Rating: K
Warnings: Don’t be a pervert like me, and you’ll be fine.
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

"Conrad, it's got to be soon…it’s killing me!" Yuuri moaned, staring wearily at the man looming above him.

"Not even close, Yuuri," Conrad informed with a smile, and the younger man swore there was just a bit of smugness in its depth. "You're just pushing forty now."

Yuuri groaned in response and made a half-hearted attempt at continuing with the challenge he had put himself up against. He had learned his lesson, for sure; Competitions with Conrad, especially ones involving sit ups, were foolish endeavors no matter how well or long he physically trained.

Title: Crazy Like a Fox
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri, Gwendal, Gunter
Table/Theme: Table 1/#16 Crazy like a fox
Word Count: 149
Rating: K
Warnings: Nada
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.
Notes: For the curious the phrase “crazy like a fox” means one who is seemingly foolish but in fact extremely cunning. (Reminds me more of Murata than Yuuri, but hey, the boy works it.)

There was little room for arguing that Yuuri, 27th Maou of Shin Makoku, took a very different approach to…well, everything. Gwendal swore that the young man was maddeningly clueless while Gunter insisted that Yuuri was uniquely clever.

Yet Conrad knew that Yuuri was not one that could be defined by either extreme; he was neither yet both, and in his opinion only one phrase he had once heard was befitting to describe him: crazy like a fox.

"Whose idea was it to go through all these stupid old traditions to update them anyway?" the man in question suddenly whined, seemingly forgetting that the very idea had fallen from his own lips only hours earlier, a hopeful attempt on his behalf to rid himself of any impending trouble (which always seemed to befall him) through Mazoku customs.

At times, it seemed, Gwendal had the means of making a good argument.

Title: Morning Dip
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: ConradxYuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#10 Morning Dip
Word Count: 105
Warnings: uh…hahaha. Sex.
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.
Notes- I'm such a pervert, but some of these prompts just beg for it. XDXDXDXD I really wish I had more lines to work with, because I'd probably keep going for a bit.

The sun is assaulting Yuuri's eyelids without mercy, but as he feels his bedmate shifting, the desire to enjoy the morning quiet just a bit longer is too appealing.

Suddenly there are fingers and lips kissing his skin, descending on his now quivering stomach, and Yuuri begins to wonder what Wolfram thinks he's doing when his brain and body began to respond to the attack.

Wolfram would not be doing that, and he knew--those hands, that mouth--very well. They were not Wolfram's.

"Conrad," he manages to whimper despite his breath catching in his throat, before he is surrounded and drowning in lustful heat.

Title: Be My Escape
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri, Wolfram
Table/Theme: Table 1/#11 Police, Freeze!
Word Count: 204
Rating: K
Warnings: Nada
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

Whenever Yuuri sees Wolfram, bright blue uniform and commanding (perhaps demanding is a better word) voice, he cannot help but be reminded of a cop. Especially on days like that one, where something had unsettled the blonde prince and he was hashing out his issues on the poor Maou by remaining by his side and pointing out every error imaginable--yes, Wolfram would make a very good police officer on Earth, so long as he didn't decide to shoot anyone (like Yuuri) in his agitation.

"And what right do you think you have smiling and saying good morning to that girl?" the blonde was carrying on, and Yuuri felt completely helpless in seeing that even greeting one of his maids had become a serious crime.

It is then that Yuuri spots his savior as they pass him, a blend of browns fitting in perfect perfection who is all too aware of his king's distress and quickly grabs hold of his arm before Wolfram can react properly.

"Shall we make a run for it?" his captor suggests humorously, and all Yuuri had to do is nod before they are taking off in the opposite direction and around the corners in search of a temporary freedom.

Title: Paperweight
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#12 Paperweight
Word Count: 157
Rating: K
Warnings: angst
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

He watches from the window as Conrad mounts his horse with ease, his movements proving he is all too familiar with the action of going off to war. Yuuri had watched a memory years before--this very scene playing out with Conrad as the leader--and in his naiveté and innocence he had sworn there would never be a repeat.

But promises to oneself such as those were bound to be broken in the midst of a changing era, and so it was; Conrad was again stepping onto the battlefield while the Maou gazed on helplessly at his post by the window. His hand pressed to the glass, sorrow and regret reflected in the image of the failed king until it all falls way in a scattering of glittering glass.

The crown upon his head feels heavy, holding him down like a paperweight keeping a sheet from following freely the wind; their roles must continue on, unchanging.

Title: Yuuri and Diplomatic Relations
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#25 You’ve got a friend
Word Count: 120
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

The new representative from Small Shimaron was curt, manipulative, and overly-eager, Yuuri matching him only in his determination and stubborn will. The Maou’s protector looked on quietly while the verbal battle lines were being drawn, watching his young king try to successfully maneuver peaceful negotiations despite the experience he lacked.

The meeting was officially paused when dinner was announced but the representative seemed insistent on continuing the conversation into the beginning of the meal.

“It there any other way we can come to an agreement?” he inquired, looking at the Maou intently.

Conrad was kind enough, like a protector and friend always is, to pull the silverware from out of Yuuri’s reach until it was assured the matter was dropped.

Title: Walking Tall
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#15 Walking Tall
Word Count: 157
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

There was quite a bit of gossip flowing throughout Shin Makoku; he had heard it or of it, and was sure the same held true of other lands and people. Within the castle there was little talk, but he knew there was plenty of hidden annoyance behind easy smiles, the result of lost bets or a high regard for an old law now being left to gather dust in books.
His family was the only uncertainty: some he could understand clearly, their hurt or awkwardness expected, while other kept their feelings hidden for him to only guess at.
Whatever they or anyone else felt, Conrad Weller could conclude that he was not the most popular man that hour, having become the first half-demon to marry a Maou.

But none of that matter at all, not when it was Yuuri and it was what they both wanted; despite what everyone else felt or said, he was walking tall.

Title: The Beginning
Author: Crystaltear
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Conrad, Yuuri
Table/Theme: Table 1/#19 Just the Beginning
Word Count: 129
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters don’t belong to me.

While the rest of his soldiers stood waiting, Conrad dismounted his horse to stand with them and face the army just ahead. As his feet met the ground, something fell from his armor and began to drift onto the unsettled dust. Conrad captured it in his palm, feeling the soft and fragile texture of the blue petal between his fingertips, and with it, the strange sensation of new hope within his grasp. The petal might have been lost during the battle, but the young man vowed he wouldn’t let the feeling of that hope fade away.

He would later question that hope, but it would be restored for him by the same person who had first given it, in the simple petals of a flower.

It was, essentially, the very beginning.

table one, conrad, kyou kara maou, yuuri

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