[Table one] [Kingdom Hearts] [Seifer+Roxas]

Sep 03, 2006 19:33

[Author] Fic Journal → owninglamersakaeoko ← Personal Journal
[Fandom] Kingdom Hearts
[Pairing] Seifer+Roxas
[Table/Theme] Table One, Themes #01-05
[Rating] G - NC-17!!!
[Warnings] Smut, the pairing, yaoi, a tiny hint of angst. . . Uh. Yeah.
[Disclaimer] Seifer and Roxas aren't mine, they belong to Nomura and Square Enix and blah blah blah. If I owned them, the plot would have never left Twilight Town. ;;>.>

( Seifer knew how much Roxas liked Hayner, but Hayner would never understand even if he tried to explain.)

kingdom hearts, table one

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