[Table One] [Gundam Wing] [Catherine Bloom]

Aug 04, 2006 01:05

Title: Character Study part. 11
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with implied 1x2, 3x4. 6x9, 5xR
Table/Theme: Table One, themes 16-20
Rating: G
Warnings:angst, humor and sap.
Disclaimer: Cathy has sharp knives and knows how to use them so there is no way I would claim to own her.
Beta: Thanks to darthanne

#16 - Crazy like a fox
Working with and caring for animals has shown Cathy that some of the clichés that are used to define human nature are often wrong. Horses do not have sense and lions do not live in the jungle. Of course, skunks never get drunk. She had assumed that crazy like a fox was no different. That was until she met Duo and saw him in action.

#17 - Years of erosion

When the war ended, Cathy took a week off from the circus and traveled to where her parents were killed. Despite the seemingly never ending winds, the plains looked the same as they had on that day forever etched in her mind. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel the wagon shaking beneath her as the terrified horses ran, out of control, from the battle. Her father's yell echoing in her ears as the wagon tipped and Triton slipped from his grasp. Standing, with her hair whipping around her, she told them how she had found her brother and promised to watch over him like she hadn't before.

#18 - Interruption

Cathy spun at the sound of her name. Knife frozen in her hand just a second before it was released to fly. The manager paled, quickly stammered out something about coming to his trailer when she was done, and fled from the tent. Turning back to the target, she let the knife go to find the exact spot it was supposed to land. She's heard him come in, but it didn't hurt to remind him that interrupting mid-practice and breaking her concentration was a bad idea.

#19 - Just the beginning

Hearing their names announced, Cathy and Trowa stepped to center stage and waved to the crowd. Cathy stood on her spot and waited patiently while Trowa positioned himself in front of the wooden target. Knives flew through the air. First one buried itself next to Trowa then others joined it. As she took her final bow she knew she'd found the perfect foil for her act.

#20 - Box of crackerjacks

Boxes of crackerjacks, cotton candy sticks, and paper cups piled up in front of Cathy's broom. Being a circus performer sounded like such a glamorous profession, but in reality it was a lot of work. She practiced her act for hours every day, fed the animals and other duties as needed. The manger insisted that they leave the area under the big top clean as it had been when they moved in. Which is why she had spent the last few hours listening to music as she swept the dirt floor making piles of garbage to be bagged and disposed of.

gundam wing, table one, cathy

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