[Table One] [Gundam Wing] [Catherine Bloom]

Jul 31, 2006 21:13

Title: Character Study part. 11
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with implied 1x2, 3x4. 6x9, 5xR
Table/Theme: Table One, themes 1 - 5
Rating: G
Warnings:angst, humor and sap.
Disclaimer: Cathy has sharp knives and knows how to use them so there is no way I would claim to own her.
Beta: Thanks to darthanne

#01 - Melts in the mouth

Because she performs in front a crowd wearing a small costume, Cathy has to keep a close eye on her figure. Fortunately, she does not have much of a sweet tooth. Once in a while though, she gets the craving for some cotton candy. She loves the way it melts in her mouth leaving just a sticky sweetness behind. After a few bites she's completely satisfied and goes in search of someone to share the remainder with.

#02 -Breaking bread/fast

Breakfast is usually a two-part affair for Cathy. Something grabbed in the wee hours of the morning as she heads out the door for the first round of chores. When the animals have been fed, and whatever tasks that require an early start are done, she heads back to her trailer. The second part of the meal is something more filling such as fried eggs or oatmeal. It is eaten at the table with the curtain pulled back so she can greet the day with her meal.

#03 - Pin drop

The silence spoke volumes, as did the look on Cathy's face. The man, who had forced his way into her trailer demanding to know where Trowa was, hadn't expected her to be so composed. Nor had he expected her to be armed. It had been a nasty shock to find himself pinned to the wall by a handful of perfectly balanced throwing knives. His belief that Cathy would be easily intimidated and controlled melted, rather like a snowball in hell.

#04 - Measure of a man

When it came right down to it, Cathy had to admit she wasn't exactly premium dating material. Her younger brother and his lover were both extremely protective ex-Gundam pilots. She traveled all over the Earth and colonies with the circus, rarely spending as much as a week in one place. To top it all off, she threw knives with deadly accuracy for a living. It was going to take a hell of a man to surmount all those obstacles, but as Trowa kept telling her, she was worth the effort.

#05 - Death and taxes

In her young life Cathy has seen a lot of death. Some through war and others through the process that is life and death. She is aware of the inevitability of death and the grief that goes with it. Taxes, however, are something totally different. One of the advantages of always being on the go is that an object on the move is much more difficult to find and demand payment from.

gundam wing, table one, cathy

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