[Table Four] [Gundam Wing] [Lucrezia Noin]

Jul 22, 2006 22:19

Title: Character Study part. 9
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with implied 1x2, 3x4. 6x9, 5xR
Table/Theme: Table one, themes 21 - 25
Rating: G
Warnings:angst, humor and sap.
Disclaimer: Lu is her own woman and will submit to no owner.
Beta: Thanks to darthanne

#21 - Chasing the wind

Noin stood in the middle of the crime scene, a frown of concentration creasing her forehead. There had to be something she was missing. Some seemingly simple piece of the puzzle that would make the rest of pieces fit together in a way that made sense. All the signs pointed to a politically motivated murder. And yet, something she could not put her finger on kept whispering that appearances could be misleading.

#22 - Blown away

The lace tablecloth and candles were lovely. The china and crystal were beautiful, designed to match the ones lost when Sanq was destroyed. Dinner was arranged tastefully on the plates. A vintage wine selected to emphasize the mixture of flavors. Noin slid into her seat still somewhat bemused that Zechs had gone to all this trouble for her birthday.

#23 - Crusade

In general, Noin didn't get involved in the various fundraising campaigns that always seemed to run rampant through Preventers. It wasn't that she didn't care. In fact, the exact opposite was true. The problem was that charities were like potato chips. It was almost impossible to stop at just one.

#24 - In chaos

The warehouse was a mess; smoke billowed from where the firefighters were fighting the blaze. The crackle and roar of the flames grew and eased as they fought to break past the line of defense. It was only a matter of time before the whole place would be consumed. Time was short and Noin shrugged into her protective gear at a run. Her partner was in there and she'd be damned if Hilde would survive a war to be killed by arms dealers.

#25 - Rising tide

Scribbling her name on the bottom line of the report, Noin slapped the folder closed and reached for the next one. With a groan of dismay she realized that several more had appeared on the top of the stack while she was engrossed in her report. Some days it felt as if she was drowning in paperwork. Standing up, she stretched, feeling her shoulders start to relax. Time for a refill on coffee and maybe a snack before diving back in.

table four, gundam wing, noin

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