Title: Finding A Way
Author: Anne
Fandom: New Series Tomorrow People - Tears in Heaven universe
Pairing: Kevin Wilson/Alex MacDonald
Table Four, Themes 21-25
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, sap, romance, sexual situations
Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People belong to Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV television. I promise to return the characters in one piece, more or less, when I'm finished, but hold no liability for any physical injury or psychological trauma sustained by them in my fiction. Alex belongs to Kevin and he's very possessive and overprotective so don't touch or even think about it.
#21 - Chasing the Wind
One thing that Alex loves about autumn is watching the wind blowing the leaves in their different shades of red, brown and fading green. Sometimes, he and Kevin will take Natalie to the riverpark, stand together, arms around each other, and watch her chasing anything and everything that moves. He feels safe there, it is a place special to both of them, and somewhere he comes when he needs to think, often sitting by the river skimming stones across the surface while he tried to calm himself and make sense of whatever is disturbing him. When Alex was younger, Jamie told him a story about the leaves being dreams and the wind chasing them and a boy running to catch them, but never quite managing to. Leaning back into Kevin's embrace, Alex looks up at his husband, happy and content in the knowledge that he no longer has to chase his, and that any further dreams either wants to pursue, they will support and help each other to do so.
#22 - Blown Away
Alex hates his edge power. After appearing briefly when he and Adam were captured by the Hunters, it took another two years before it manifested itself properly. Alex will never forget Kevin being caught in the backlash of an uncontrolled telekinetic shield and being picked up as though by a strong wind to be smashed against a wall, falling limply to the ground to lay still and unmoving. He still wakes from nightmares seeing it replaying over and over, and is terrified that it is only a matter of time before his fears become reality. When he feels his ability kick in, usually when he loses control of his temper, he turns to Kevin, hoping desperately that the calmness his husband projects through their bond will be enough, but with each time comes the knowledge that one day he will either have to find a way to control or permanently suppress it, because the cost of the alternative could be Kevin's life, and with it, his own.
#23 - Crusade
When an enemy is motivated through greed and power, it is easier to reason with them and there is always the hope that they might just listen and be swayed by a better offer. However, the Hunters are on a crusade to cleanse the earth of those who are different, and to save them, and the next generation, from that which taints them. The Tomorrow People are not human, they claim, and therefore have given up any rights associated with that. After having been told that over and over while a captive of the Hunters, and already struggling with low self-esteem, Alex feels that although it doesn't apply to Kevin and the others, because they have control over their abilities, he is different. And, even though for the most part Kevin has persuaded Alex otherwise, often when something bad happens that he feels responsible for, the words of his tormentors come back to haunt him and he cannot wonder if maybe they were right.
#24 - In chaos
Alex finally worked out he was in love with Kevin after they had visited the alternative reality where Adam and Megabyte had not survived their first encounter with Barlium. Sitting at Kevin's bedside in the SGC infirmary, and unsure whether he would ever regain consciousness, Alex realised without a doubt that the feelings he had were not friendship but something far deeper. Trying to sort through the chaos of his current emotional state, it hit him that he had been attracted to Kevin right from the beginning. In an attempt to figure out what the hell to do about something he could no longer deny, and not wanting to lose his friendship with Kevin, Alex talked to Sam, and Kevin's Aunt Ruth. But finally, even after he had made his decision to tell Kevin, after months of frustration and fighting what he now knows was their telepathic bond trying to form, the final push came from two people he never would have suspected - Joe and Methos.
#25 - Rising Tide
Kevin loves wet sex, or more specifically wet Alex, naked and needy. Throughout their relationship, or more specifically while he desperately told himself that Alex was only ever going to be a friend and that he was too young and naïve for Kevin to want sexually, he was taunted by Alex wet, dripping and very obviously not the kid Kevin tried to convince himself he was. Upon discovering this, after they became a couple, Alex offered Kevin the chance to relive those moments but as though they happened the way he originally wanted; a rising tide of first times and desires become real. Reliving accidentally walking in on Alex half naked in Aunt Ruth's bathroom would not be a problem, but wet sex in Kevin's office was another matter and deemed too risky. That was until his husband pointed out with a slow smile that the thought of getting caught was something that should be high on Kevin's mental list for 'the things that drove Alex crazy'.