[Table One] [Gundam Wing] [Zechs Merquise]

Jun 21, 2006 22:05

Title: Character Study part. 6
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with hints of 6x9
Table/Theme: Table one, themes 16-20
Rating: G
Warnings:angst, humor and sap.
Disclaimer: Its a bit difficult to claim ownership of a man who doesn't even know who he is.
Beta: Thanks to darthanne

#16 - Crazy like a fox

Zechs is used to being asked if he is, or was crazy when he tried to destroy the Earth. He no longer bothers to explain his logic because most people either won't listen or don't really care. Instead, he just smiles, nods, and goes on about his business. He knows there is a pool in the office for when he will lose it again. He also knows what time and date he had Lu sign him up for.

#17 - Years of erosion

When Zechs returned to Sanq to say good-bye to his parents, he was surprised how different things were than what he remembered. Their grave markers were covered in small pits from years of wind and salt air eating at the stone. He realized, as he crouched in front of them that like the vines and grass that were taking over the ruins of what used to be his home, time had moved on without him. His quest for revenge had kept him the same young boy who watched in horror as the flames engulfed the castle, destroying his family. It was time for him to lay the hatred he had carried for so long and with it his soul, to rest.

#18 - Interruption

It was Saturday. A day for cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, and possibly reading the new book on military history he had acquired. It did not usually involve a six am wake up call and an invitation to join Lu, Hilde, Sally, and Lady Une on a road trip to find the perfect cup of coffee, believed to be available in a nearby town. As he stretched out in the back seat of Sally's car with Lu drowsing on one shoulder and Hilde on the other, he had to admit that it was a welcome interruption to his routine. As was the companionship and feeling that his company was not only accepted, but desired.

#19 - Just the beginning

It started with small things. A book abandoned on the couch or a pack of gum thrown casually on the coffee table. Bit by bit it grew to more. A toothbrush appeared in his bathroom and a change of clothes in his dresser. Then, one day, he made a conscious choice and handed her a key.

#20 - Box of crackerjacks

Life is like a box of crackerjacks. Some people are sweet, some are nuts and if you get lucky, there's a prize.

Zechs smiled as he drove past the billboard. What they were selling was irrelevant. The simplistic and yet realistic view of the world warmed him more than the steaming cup of coffee in his cup holder.

gundam wing, table one, zechs

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