[Table five] [Gundam Wing] [Chang Wufei]

Mar 12, 2006 22:11

Title: Character Study part. 5
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with possible hints of 5xM, 1x2, and 3x4 depending on your inclinations
Table/Theme: Table five, themes 6-15
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,075
Warnings:angst, humor and sap, spoilers for Episode zero.
Disclaimer: Wufei is bound only by his honor and certainly not because of non-existant ownership.

#06 - Lost and alone

All of the pilots have their own reasons for missing their Gundams. For Duo and Quatre it is the loss of a friend or partner, someone they felt was more than a machine. For Trowa and Heero, a valuable tool that could be helpful in their occupation. For Wufei his Nataku was his last link to his colony and Meilan. With its destruction he was left bereft of past, family, and purpose.

#07 - Flight of Fancy

Wufei is not the type to daydream or give into flights of fancy. He is serious and intensely focused on the task at hand. A hard worker who is as efficient as he is conscientious. Once in a great while one of the other pilots will catch him, his eyes slightly glazed, staring off into space with a tiny smile curving the corner of his lips. His hands twitching slightly on the controls of what ever he is piloting.

#08 - Slow and steady

By virtue of his upbringing Wufei keeps his worries and concerns to himself. As the heir to the Dragon clan he was taught that he to be the one to shoulder responsibilities of leadership not burden others with them. It has been a painstakingly slow but steady process for him to learn it is acceptable to lean on his friends occasionally, and in doing so he does not show himself to be weak. It was Heero who taught him that it takes more strength to allow himself to be vulnerable and allow others to see him as than to always appear strong. He carefully explained over dinner one night that in doing so Wufei was hiding behind a mask and he knew his friend was too courageous to hide from anything no matter how difficult it was to face.

#09 - Cold as ice

Wufei's stern exterior often leads people who do not know him well to believe that he is cold as ice. In actuality he is the exact opposite. He is a man of strong opinions who is passionate about his beliefs and the people he holds dear. He feels things deeply and when he has carefully discerned the negatives and positives of a course of action he will commit himself to it unwaveringly. In friendship he is fiercely loyal and is the first to render aid, compassion, and when needed an unvarnished reality check.

#10 - Just do it

Decision made, Wufei straightened his shoulders and knocked on the door to Lady Une's office. With Heero in the hospital after the shooting on 24th street Duo was in need of a temporary partner. Wufei was driven enough to keep up with Duo on a mission for revenge and still capable of being the voice of reason when the time came. Heero was his friend and he had no intention of letting the man who had sniped him without warning from a rooftop take the full impact of the law when it was obvious this was a professional hit. Now that the sniper was in custody it was only a matter of time before who hired him would come out and the time for talking would be in the past.

#11 - Hostile intent

After one of the women in his apartment building was hospitalized as a result of injuries she received during a mugging Wufei organized classes on self-defense that he taught in the basement. He instructed his pupils on how to recognize when someone is approaching them with hostile intent and ways to carry themselves to look less like a potential victim. When the perpetrator was caught he received permission from Lady Une to escort him to one of the sessions where the man explained how he picked and subdued his marks. Wufei is extremely proud of the fact that one of his students knocked out a potential rapist while another discovered a love for martial arts and is pursuing it with his encouragement. On Tuesday nights, the only night he worries about leaving on time, his departure is accompanied by much teasing about needing to get home to his harem.

#12 - Change of hands

Meilan was the original pilot intended for Altron. She was proud of her warrior ways and often scoffed at Wufei for his more scholarly interests. However, with her death, the privilege was taken over by Wufei because he felt he needed to finish what she had started. He christened the Gundam Nataku in her honor. Even though she was no longer with him he felt that a part of her was intertwined with the man and the machine she died to protect.

#13 - Trial by fire

Wufei's skills as a Gundam pilot where determined in a trial by fire as befitting the heir of the Dragon clan. When he realized that Meilan was battling to save the colony from the Alliance and was likely to be injured or killed he hijacked the as of yet incomplete Altron and went to fight at her side. Though he was able to reach her in time the lack of weapons on his Mobile suit proved to be his and ultimately her undoing. The alliance was repelled and he had passed his test as a pilot and a fighter. Later, when she died in his arms he knew he had failed the larger exam of husband and protector.

#14 - RSVP

The invitation was on heavy linen paper and written in calligraphy with gold ink. Wufei sighed and toyed with the return card, having been taught that RSVPing was a requirement of anyone with good manners. When ever possible he avoided weddings. They often brought up memories of ceremony he and Meilan endured to become man and wife. Watching others, deeply in love, as they said their vows brought back to home all the questions of how their lives might have been if they had been given more time.

#15 - Weighing options
Preventers company picnic was an event that Wufei attempted to avoid every year. Unfortunately his shift was always reassigned and Lady Une would personally remind him he was required to attend. So here he was on a beautiful sunny day in mid May milling around with the rest of the agents who had been talked into running the three-legged race. He weighted his options carefully, was speed or comparable height more desirable? His eyes alit on Heero and he smirked, why settle for one when he could have both?

table five, wufei, gundam wing

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