(no subject)

Apr 27, 2006 12:04

I get so excited when I see people posting things on livejournal again, it's ridiculous. I seem to have a lot of nothing to do today so I am making this post now. The choir kids have abandoned me in PE. I came up with a strange thought last night that at the time I thought was pretty amazing. Soon after however, I fell asleep and I forgot a lot of the connections I made with the thought. Somehow I came up with the analogy that people's lives are like a key chain. Or I guess a key ring? I was thinking of how sad it makes me when people don't love each other so I guess that was where this started. Anyway, so I was thinking along those lines and I started making the connection that nothing in life really matters. When I say that I mean mostly nothing material. And I came to the realization again that love is the only thing that matters. So love would be like the actual keys. Without the keys there would be no need for the key ring; it exists soley to hold the keys. Then people usually add trendy little keychains to make the key ring more exciting or something like that (the excitement isn't what is supposed to be emphasized by that phrase). So the key chains are like everything we achieve in life; jobs, money, houses, awards, and things of that nature. After that everything is a little blurry. I may have gone on thinking that nowadays the keychains are what is emphasized in the world and people have lost sight of the actual keys. Or I could have gotten a little more upset and thought about how people treat people that they don't like by seperating themselves from them and pretending they don't exist. I vaguely remember going in that direction for a little while. Then I fell asleep and I think I had a dream about a really big fish.


Anyway, I guess that is my little LJ blurb thing for the month.
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