Langorse 20240328 _ Three of the five S2 units tossed into Santee Lake plus EDIT

Mar 28, 2024 13:48

EDIT 20240402>1709hrs PDST

Charlene(wife to Aldous C) became angry with the S2 situation and she threw the remaining, non-51S unit into the surf from the Pacific Beach Entrance (pier) Ramp. two days ago. the news from WonderCon was too much for her. We are trying to form-up for another meeting. Group is scattered. More later....

About complab:RDCL.214, I am here now. The Location for the entry is unchanged. complab:RDCL.222 is connected to #2124 (by a trunk line, at least)....

The original two entries follow.

Hope this stay (in digital mode)

V613(CAP0257, E4B8J, 745.Z1A)

|||||||| EDIT 20240329>1559hrs PDST ||||||||||||||||

Prof Cisnernos, Mrs Chetwyn and me stayed in San Diego. Everyone else (except Speattle) has gone to Wonder Com 2004. Speadtle is whereabouts unknown.

More later...

Original Entry follows....

V613(T8926, me Beth g I am on parole cannot leave County)


This screen is meant to devcelop the entry. LCV is helping me. LChicago has the notes. So, confusion about authorship has to be clarified as the entry goes...

The basic situation is we tossed three of the S2 units into the northeastern lake. We know (that) the assemblage from the RV stow was actually S2.3 (i.e. not S2,5). There were messages which identified it as such. S2.3 is tossed into the lake. S2.2 was the most used unit. It was easy to categoirize irize irize irize .... also tossed into the lake. The remaining unit was either S2.3, else S2.5. Once we retrieve the S15 unit from the Shoe Box File, we shall put a message out for S2.3, thereby identifying S2.3 because2.5 will not receive the message so the SEND from S2.1 =>S2.3 must designate the mystery unit as S2.5 i.e. S2.3 has been tossed into the lake.

The Aztlan meeting Friday next perhaps shall provide more clues.

Five_Scripts_Archivist DF

V613MB(T8999, E4B8J, L4308, A1Z.47)
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