Feb 19, 2022 14:09
Circa 14 March(1979AD) until approximately 08 December(1981) Journal Entries from the Jacksonville lab notebook specifically allude-to-while describing (the) SUNY Buffalo usergroup. A thirteen word passage in paragraph three of what the writer designates-to-be a usernet news-group reads "Before advancement to six degrees of computations, a NNTD perhaps should be developed."(The entry date is 06 September(1979). The Journal does not mention (a) Duke, Duke Medical School, or any university nearby. The use of a developing technique designated as group threads began-to-appear during the interlude. Group threads are used to attach-and-link messages of various news group. Authorship of the Journal is not ascribed. The cursive of the entries suggest two, different writers.
E for Archivist_DF. We are in the RV Camper headed towards Palomar State Park
For England !