Jun 13, 2008 10:29
Never in my previous pregnancies have I wished for the pregnancy to be over. I knew that no matter how uncomfortable I was, things only get harder once the baby is out.
This pregnancy is definitely the exception! As of this morning, I'm measuring 46cm. For those of you who have never been pregnant, or have just forgotten, each centimeter typically coincides with your week of pregnancy. So, if I were 34 weeks pregnant with a singleton, I would measure around 34cm. Um... I'm 34 weeks pregnant, and measuring as if I'm 46 weeks pregnant. Yes - I'm uncomfortable!
My back is killing me, I pee every 43 seconds, I don't sleep for more than 14 minutes at a time, and I'm convinced I'm going to die from heartburn. Seriously, babies - we're past all major (and most minor) risks associated with premies. Really, you can come anytime now. Really.
Yes, yes, yes... taking care of two newborns will be a ton of work and blah, blah, blah. I'm still absolutely certain that I'll get more than 14 minutes of sleep at a stretch at least occasionally, the heartburn will cease, and my ankles will return (they've been disappearing with swelling on a regular basis).
Much as I want to birth at home, I feel well prepared for being either at home or in the hospital. The thought of fending off interventions during labor in a hospital isn't nearly as daunting as it was even a few weeks ago. My only concern now is getting Pixie (aka Baby A) to turn vertex. Although really, after a few weeks of freaking out over a potential surgical birth, I'm feeling pretty zen about the whole thing. The one thing I do know is that the procedure will NOT be scheduled. If I go into labor and Pixie still hasn't turned, and doesn't show any signs of budging, then fine... I know at that point that the healthiest thing for everyone is to just get the babies out as safely as possible, which likely means surgery (there is some limited research that supports vaginal birth if Baby A is in Frank breech position, but that is only with an attendant skilled at breech birth. Sadly, with the vast majority of breech babies being delivered by C/s, vaginal breech birth is a dying art.)\
Of course, I still have to have the whole "I'm not scheduling a C/s" conversation with Dr. Jenkins... that will happen at next week's appointment if Pixie is still breech. I'm quite certain he's not going to like it, but he can't force me to schedule the surgery, and they certainly can't start without me!
pixie and dixie