Oct 08, 2010 15:49
I'm going to regret writing this, but...anyway...
The song is much MUCH better than Color. It has power, some feeling, it's interesting and the melody is different from all the other new sound songs. It's not the Girugamesh I discovered with the release of "Owari to mirai", it's not the " Break down" Girugamesh, it's a completely different Girugamesh and I'll stop comparing this sound to that sound, cause they just can't be compared. The old Girugamesh is better than the new, only if you like more hard music.
The song is poppy, catchy...
Good points:
-good flow
-nice riffs
-nice electronic bits (guess it's Ryo's work)
-has power, the melody, the guitar (finally! in Color, the guitar seemed strangled)
Bad points:
-drums aren't so powerful and...generic (?)...I dunno. It seems like Ryo knows only one type of rhythm.. O.o...put some diversity in there, Ryo!...or make them stand out a little!
- Satoshi's singing sounds the same, regardless of song. I'm getting bored here. But it wasn't as bad as Color. It didn't make the song seem so long...and draggy
As for the PV, quite interesting. Satoshi's hair is a failure, but who cares. Nice colors. It's like a transition from summer to autumn. It's good. Much better than Color.
I just hope they'll put more diversity into song making.
Now the other tracks:
Vision- I dunno why, when I heard the first few seconds, the bandname "baroque" appeared in my head. But only for those 3-4 seconds. After that, when Satoshi started singing, "fly sleep fly!" my brain shouted! *for those who don't know, "fly sleep fly" is a japanese pop/rock band with a female vocalist...look it up*
Good points:
-nice guitar riffs
Bad points:
-I would erase Satoshi's singing ...or leave only the chorus
- change Ryo's drums... they sound off
Endless wing:
Starts good, interesting, powerful, different.
Good points:
-dance-like, without being electronic
- has power, especially guitar-power,
- good electronic parts, diversity yay!
- good guitar riffs
-nice rapping part
- at least, Ryo's drums don't sound as powerless, but they could be better.
-nice way of ending it. diversity double-yay!
Bad points:
- this is a matter of liking, but Satoshi sometimes sounds like singing a kid's song
It's quite a good single. I expect more diversity!
endless wing,
inochi no ki