Nov 03, 2004 14:36
Wow, i am happy in a way but the happiness is sort of dulled out by the thoughts of days to come and the ignorant attitudes of people coming. Yes Bush won, Kerry actually admitted it, he gave his concession speech. Some how that just will not be enough for all the cry baby Kerry fans who will come up with all of your conspiracy theories. "All the votes have been stolen, this was rigged, it doesn't make a difference, the man always fucks us"... Blah Blah Blah. Get the fuck over it, deal with it. Kerry gave a nice little speech and carried himself with dignity, and threw in the towel when he knew that he wasnt the better man for the job. Don't disgrace him now by running around crying just because you aren't happy with the outcome. Grow up, suck it up buck-o you guys lost.