Nov 09, 2007 02:22
I wanna move out. I'm not completely sure on this, because I still quite enjoy not having responsibilities and all that, but like, the idea of having my own place [or rather, sharing a place with someone] is just so strangely appealing. I'm sure if I had a job that paid more and maybe, maybe with more hours, I could handle it. I'd love to be back in Chesterton area, and I'd enjoy being in Valpo area even. Fuck, man. Laporte seemed so cool but it's way too far away from anything or anyone I enjoy. It's balls. I like the whole "HUGE BASEMENT, ALLLLL MIIIIINE" thing, but damn, is it honestly worth it?
I don't know where to start, or who to start with. I need a job closer to where I want to be, with better pay. Fuck this $6.90 hourly crap, that'll get me living back with my parents in like, a week. Ick.
Also, I dunno. I think I'd need to save up a substantial quantity of money as backup savings just in case, y'know, before taking the big leap/risk/whatever.
I wonder if my old apartment is still available. They let me jam there. Oh yeah, that's a must, too. Gotta be able to jam at wherever I live. Fuck.
I dunno. Maybe I just need sleep. Yeah, I need sl