P2-47 150words mirror

Oct 28, 2005 14:20

Cupid/Eros ~ Xena/Herc-Greek/Roman Mythology
Word count 150
Cross posted at theatrical_muse


What do you think when you look in the mirror?

He sees a god of love just trying to do his job. He sees small traces of his mother’s beautiful features gracing his face. He sees permanent laugh lines from the joy in his life. He sees one too many memories of his past. Sees his children-both the joy and pains of their worlds in his life, he looks back further, he sees Anteros, his beloved other half of a brother. He sees Psyche and their mutual joys and sorrows. He sees Pan on his long journey, unable to be with him at this time in their life. He sees his beloved Aeon and does what he can when he can when she will let hi, He sees Caspian, not dead and him unable to tell their mutual beloved.

He sees a lot besides the over exuberant overgrown cherub that people think him to be at any given time.
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