Omniphase Challenge #16 Kink 193 words (not TM related in anyway)

Oct 14, 2005 18:41

Crossposted to omni_phase
It is beautiful. His new set of clothes made just for their wedding. No leather and or near nakedness here, as Eros is dressed in the finest materials that Greece has to offer. Bathed and perfumed, attended by nearly every servant in the temple, he smiles as they fret and fuss.

All right, show time. Time to check himself out in the mirror. Having always been proud of his physique, it is the first thing that he checks out, then clothes, and then

His hair! Dear goddess on a half-shell, his hair!

Not once had he remembered to check or fuss with it and Eros stares gaping mouth and all, as he looks on at the Medusa-like visage assaulting his head. Kinks everywhere. Colic crazy, split end frazzled locks that won’t end.

Already at nerves end on the day he is to wed his beloved and bow this, Eros is about ready to throw an epic tantrum when a servant gently whispers in his ear.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” Grinning from ear to ear now, Eros simply wills his hair to behave.

Some days it is to be a god.

(ooc--past challenge posts (will be linked to shortly)


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