Cupid/Eros ~ Xena/Herc-Greek/Roman Mythology
Word count 300
Cross posted at
theatrical_museHave you ever experienced something you couldn't explain? Write down
your brushes with the mysterious.
I am one Greek god who holds no mysteries. What really is there mysterious about love? Maybe because I was born to it, from it and surrounded by its presence on a daily basis, that I hold no awkward notions about what love means. Excuse me just a second, if you will…
*A pause as he looks up high toward the temple ceiling*
Phoebe, come down from there, this instant! Do not make me call your mother in here. *Laughs as the cherub flies down and lands quickly in his arms. Begins to sway with Phoebe to lull her to calmness*
As I was saying, maybe it is true that I have never ever, not known love and that I should not speak out that it is not so inexplicable…that I have an unfair advantage. I also speak from years of wisdom despite my youthful follies, excuse me a second…
*Pauses again to coo and reaches out for some ambrosia to feed *
I have said it before and I will say it again, love is a feeling-emotion-what have you, but it is also something else…isn’t that right Phoebe? Yes it is, oh yes, it is…*grins and tickles her tummy *
It is a verb, it is action, and it is giving. Nothing mysterious about that.
Now, if you are meaning something supernatural, I do know anything more mysterious than the cold heart coupled with a closed mind…leaves me baffled and makes me reach for my arrows every time. Yes, yes; I know not all are destined for love even with the gift that I bring but it is my honor and duty to at least give it a good old college try as they say nowadays.
*Looks back up and grins as Phoebe waves at everyone *