Goodness gracious. I cant sleep! yet have to wake up in.... five hours. UGGH. I finally took another sleepy pill and downed a LOT of cough syrup, so lets hope that'll do the trick. but until then...
I wonder if I can convince a piercer person to pierce me if I say "but Im independant! seriously! I live in my own apartment and everything." even if I dont aynmore. if my parents bitch I just tell 'em I did it myself. *sigh* doubt it'd work, buuuut... we'll see. Ive always thought monroes are dumb, but guys, do you think Id look good with one? no, probably not. however.... you shhould still give me suggestions as to which facial piercings I'd look good with. seriously. here's a picture for you to consider with:
yeah, Ive seen hotter chicks. but still. suggestions? I REALLY want to pierce my bridge. but I'd still like your ideas.