(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 00:26

well that's interesting.

today was a weird day. alex says he can't be my friend anymore because I don't love myself (though personally I think he's just pissed because I stayed out all night with a boy... OoOooO scandelous) and I'm giving away my birth control. well, selling it, but not for a profit.

oh well, I'm used to weird days. FUCK my eye hurts so bad *gouges it out*

so far it's been like, what, two weeks of my "don't get drunk" kick? well, it's going well. my parents have been gone for two days, and I've had the opportunity to drink all their beer or wine or whatever I want, but I havent wanted to. score one for the steph.

have to clean my room sometime within the next week. *grimace* ouch. maybe I better get started tonight. *gag* I hope my mom will settle for "moderately clean" instead of spotless, because I don't think I have it in me to clean it up THAT well. I've been pretty useful the past couple of days tho, what with shoveling snow and doing dishes and feeding cats and taking out the trash... I bet I'll make a good housewife someday.

infact, the more and more frustrated I become with all the boys I know, the more I realize that I HAVE to get married someday. Forgive me if that doesn't make sense. I won't do it for love, either... that's to risky. I guess I'll have to find a really rich ugly person who will pamper me and never want to get rid of me. *sigh* tragic, really.

I'm so thankful that I have a good job and a good home. If it weren't for chores at home and work at mount saint francis to keep me feeling useful, I think I'd just die of too much thinking. seaking of thinking... I think I'll do some laundry tonight.

OMG I worked yesterday for the first time with this guy I've never met... he was hott like whoa. *fans self*

also I am so thankful for books. I would just DIE without books. and God. can't forget Him. *sighs contentedly*

well now I feel better.

sometimes I realize it's not so bad to be Stephanie Adams. Actually there's nothing bad about it at all.

thank you so much God,f or putting me where I am, and blessing me with what I have. Thank you so much for helping me realize right as I was about to give up again, that there's nothing in my life not worth living for.

<3 *twirls*

ciao, darlings.

forever yours,

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