steph is trendy: I think I'm gonna piss heather off
da sock mon returned at 8:55:06 PM.
da sock mon: why's that?
steph is trendy: cos I started a God lecture
steph is trendy: I know this probably won't mean anything to you but
steph is trendy: heather goes to new life
steph is trendy: and people there,I dunno, like rock around on the ground and speak in tongues and believe God will give us everything we ask for right when we want it
steph is trendy: and I'm in a bad mood
steph is trendy: so I started attacking that
steph is trendy: in a nice way
da sock mon: haha
steph is trendy: but she still ran away
da sock mon: new life scares me
da sock mon: they get way way freaky
da sock mon: it's all well and good to love God (capitalized just for you doll!) and get into it
steph is trendy: *huggle* <3
da sock mon: but.... damn, they're just... weid
da sock mon: <3 *hug*
da sock mon: weird too
steph is trendy: its not even the fact that they speak in tongues and see visions or anything
steph is trendy: those ARE actual spiritual gifts from the holy spirit
steph is trendy: but the problem I have
steph is trendy: is the fact that they're supposed to be very rare
steph is trendy: those gifts from the holy ghost cant be cooerced
da sock mon: seriously
steph is trendy: and
steph is trendy: about half the kids at the retreat I went to
steph is trendy: were speaking in tongues
steph is trendy: and seeing visions
steph is trendy: and shit.
da sock mon: reminds me of the crucible
da sock mon: hang on, have to put cookies in the oven, I'll explain when I get back
steph is trendy: MAYBE it was a God thing. maybe. but I'm very critical of that.
steph is trendy: lol okay =)
steph is trendy: afterall, Satan sometimes appears as an angel of light.
steph is trendy: there's this missionary I've met a few times named david thompson
steph is trendy: who I actually heard speak at new life once
steph is trendy: he wrote a book called...
steph is trendy: On Call
steph is trendy: let me see if I can find what Im looking for
da sock mon: okay
da sock mon: I'm back
steph is trendy: can I write something out for you to read?
da sock mon: absolutely
click teh link to read teh amazing storee.
at eight o'clock he appeared suddenly on my front porch. I greeted him like an old friend and we sat down. For about five minutes he said nothing. as we sat there in absolute silence, I prayed for wisdom and discernment. Finally he spoke.
"I have learned many wonderful things since I left here."
"In the bible, you mean?" I said, trying to get the conversation going.
"well, in the bible, but in other places as well."
"what other places?" I asked.
"from an angel of God," he replied, starting to warm up.
"what's the angel like?"
"he is very beautiful and very wise. He glows like a white light."
"what does he tell you?" I persisted.
"if I will be obediant to God, he will do miracles through me."
"how do you know the angel is from God?" I wondered aloud
"believe me," Christian answered forcefully, "I know! I can tell the difference between an evil spirit and an angel of God!"
"by what he says. He says that the bible is true and that I am on the right path. God has sent him to lead me on that path."
"what does he say about Jesus?"
"He says that he is Jesus' messenger and spokesman", he explained.
"Is it true that you have not destroyed all of your old fetishes?" I queried. His friendly mood changed immediately.
"who told you that I have kept fetishes?" there was anger in his voice now and I began to sense the presence of great evil.
"Do you still have your old fetishes?" I proed as gently as I could. "If you have kept even one, it gives Satan the right to oppress you." A minute of heavy silence passed.
"The angel told me to keep them, so I did."
"But the bible says that Christians must have nothing to do with things that belong to Satan. Why would an angel of God contradict God?"
"It is an angel of God, I tell you!" he almost shouted, leaning forwad in his chair. "Do you want to see him for yourself?" A feeling of apprehension washed over me. There was indeed soemthing terribly evil with us on that porch. I could feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck. My arms were covered with goosebumps.
"I don't need to see him to know that he does not come from God and that he is deluding you, Christian. An angel of God would never permit you to keep a fetish!" He is taking you off to hell! Christian, if you want to follow Jesus, you must renounce this evil angel. otherwise he will have you in his power forever!"
With that Christian leapt to his feet and stood over me, his hands clenching and unclenching, his breath heavy. I sat motionless, praying for God to protect me. After a long minute he relaxed and leaned against the wall. He would not look at me, and he said nothing.
"christian," I said gently, "you are being decieved by an Angel of Light. That is Satan's oldest tactic. It's what he did in the garden of Eden when the world began. He may look like an angel of God, but he is evil, and when he is finished with you he will destroy you. I beg you, Christian, let me help you get free of this thing."
Without another word he spun around on his heel and walked off into the night. The next morning I told Moukingui and the bongolo pastors what had happened. During the day someone saw him enter his room and emerge a few minutes later with a bag over his shoulder and a machete in his hand. Without saying a word to anyone he walked into the forest.
We never saw Christian or heard from him again. Christian's whereabout still remain a mystery. Perhaps he is amoung Libreville's masses. Perhaps he is dead. The reasons behind his strange behaviour, however, are not a mystery. in consulting a sorceror and buying his sacred object and charms, Christian acquiesced to evil spiritual beings. His final capitulation occured when he allowed himself to be seduced by an evil angel of beauty and light who appeared to him and promised him success and power. Such are the deceptions of Satan. Only prayer and the overcoming power of God can deliver him from Satan's grasp now.
steph is trendy: the end!
da sock mon: it's powerful, definitely
da sock mon: and so true
da sock mon: we're so easily deceived (is that spelled right? fuck!) and think that we as individuals are so important.. important enough to get visions and shtuff? I think we get big heads as soon as we start to think that we're that important
da sock mon: I also think these kids went to this retreat expecting something... and when they saw everybody freaking out and carrying on, they wanted in on it too.. I'm sure there was some sort of energy present, but I doubt it was divine.. more like, someone thought they were being blessed and freaked out and everyone else wanted that too, so they did it...
da sock mon: it's convenient that it sounds like what they saw is exactly what they wanted too
steph is trendy: dude
steph is trendy: you put that so beautifully
da sock mon: aw thanks man =)
da sock mon: I get kinda ramble-y though
steph is trendy: not at all. I couldnt figure out how to say what you said =)
and that is that. *winces at the response she knows she's gonna get*
and heather, I hope you don't think I'm attacking you. I DID enjoy the retreat. your pastor spoke well. there were just /certain/ /things/ I've been raised all my life to be wary of.
I'm so thankful to God that I grew up with such faithful christian parents. if it weren't for them, I'd probably be "one of those" that want to find God and love Him and be touched by him, but looked in the wrong places or let myself be lead astray.
today at work was alright. I kept coughing so hard I got headaches though. Amanda told me how I pissed her off and shit, and I pretty much took it, and then she was done being mean and I was happy. she came to my house and got George back, for which I am thankful. that little bastard was crawling all over me with his little purrbox going full throttle all last night and all afternoon before work.
I had a REALLY nasty update planned out that would have been even more vehement and venemous than the last (and deleted) anger post, but I calmed down after all the God talk. all I guess I will say is... If I ever get pregnant and Evil, why don't you "slap a bitch"? plzkthnx. And if I ever turn into a man that's like a big overgrown whiney womanly curious george, I hope someone will be like, "Dude, grow a penis and beat your CRAZY ASS woman into submission!" I've lost three more pounds. *wiggle* I'm le happy. I don't ever want to turn into a fat lard who sits on the couch all day watching judge joe brown and Cops and whomakes my boyfriend fill my freezer with ice cream so I can eat it while watching those shows *takes a deep breath*.... wow thats a horrible run on sentence. I was going to keep going but it was hurting my brain. I think I'll start a new sentence. And I never want to be so pampered that I make my "baby daddy" scratch my leg when I have an itch and come into the room to hand me the glass that is a foot away from me or bring me some milk to guzzle or a whole log of sausage or slab of cheese for me to eat in one sitting >.< WAit, I think it's time for another dot. "PERIOD". okay. *nother deep breath* and I pray to GOD I never get so pathetically attached to a person like that that I never say "no", that I give up smoking and drinking, that I pay for everything, that I spank myself upon command or dance like a little black baby just so that person will say "alright, I'll let you touch my leg for five seconds. but if your fingers are too warm, by golly, you can bet you're sleeping in the toilet tonight." and that I'll respond by saying "yes Massa! ANYTHING FOR YOU BEACAUSE YOURE SO BEAUTIFUL AND SKINNY AND NICE AND PRODUCTIVE AND NOT ABSOLUTELY EVIL!" ...... uhhh.... I forget how this story was working, so I guess I'll just say...
le end?
I wish i wasnt so ANGRY. but I guess I wouldnt be so angry if I wasnt treated like a big pile of shittastically shitty SHIT by those ridiculed afformentioned two. seriously. it's like...
fuck. I hate being treated like that.
my mom is making my dad buy me a punching bag. seriously dont laugh, I think its a good idea. I think I'm going to have anger issues for the rest of my life just from what, four months? of that shit. HELLO I AM A THINKING FEELING HUMAN BEING, MISS THANG! AND YES MR MUNGE LOVING DICK WART I MAY BE UGLY AND STUPID AND LAZY AND FAT COMPARED TO YOUR DEAREST DARLING BUT THAT DOESNT GIVE YOU A RIGHT TO LOOK AT ME LIKE IM THE DIRTIEST SLUG YOUVE EVER SEEN. *sigh*
and all I have to say about your upcoming child is this...
what do you call a down syndrome kid with no legs?
ground beef.
later, dolls.