Jun 30, 2006 01:34
-New roomate. YAY KELLY SHARP (well that didn't work out so well)
-Bastard Flying Dutchman Tattoos took my deposit and never scheduled my appointment. Not getting any work done there. Want my fucking deposit back.
-New Nelly Furtado album not so much I want my hour and my twenty bucks back.
-More things happening in July than my tiny brain can handle. I think I might have to figure out how to clone myself or win the lottery so I can be on the island or here any time I want. (guess I should start gambling)
-Really sick of only being attractive to single mothers and people who are either too young, too old, or in the wrong headspace for me. Will you please hurry up and find me already you stupid perfect woman you.
-Wishing I knew what that twinkle in her eyes meant.
-Trying to figure out how people I know can reasonably expect me to make time for them when they make no effort for me.
-Tom Waits rules. Wish I had a big fat bottle of JD right now.
-People who think work is life should die. It's obviously the other way around.
-Uncle is a fucking dirty thieving crackhead who stole all my dad's sheep and sold them for 500 bucks. SERIOUSLY.(in his defense he has a problem. Disease etc, etc)
Yeah that's about it.