Dec 02, 2012 23:00
Finally done with Fiddler. I don't know how I feel about that. I hated it, but at the same time, it was really fun... argh. Well, I don't think I'll have the chance to work with that theatre company ever again, so it takes away the agongy of whether or not to do this all again. I have a lovely reference letter from Claire, however, and all of my community hours done, which is pretty cool. I have to say, though, I definately prefer being in the audience as to being back stage. So much less work! The cast party was nice to go to, though. I'm glad Fiddler is done with though, just for the amount of time I can now add back into my schedule! It was rediculous, like, six hours a night. But now; freedom.
Tonight I'm going to really dig into my ISU work, since that all needs to get done for next week. That will be enough time, for sure, but I don't want to have to do it all, regardless of that. At least I like the musical that I've been assigned to do. It would really suck if I didn't. Anyway, working on that, yes, yes. I want to get most of it done by Friday, so I can have most of the weekend off, which leaves me with four days (not including today).
It's almost eleven now, so I'll be turning in soon, but not so soon. I still want a snack before bed, and strangely enough, I'm not all that tired tonight. As I said, I am going to try and devote this energy, despite the day's activity, towards doing GPB, and trying to do something with it. Narr, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be researching or presenting. It's been a while since I looked at the paperwork for this damned assignment. I think that I will do so now, and continue on from there. Farwell, and goodnight.
(Also; listening to Soviet music. For the win.)