Two In One!

Sep 19, 2012 16:33

Almost done Essential Asatru. Not even two days. I haven't read a book that fast in a long time. Ah, nostalgia. Anyway, I'm going to finish it up (only a chapter or so left), and then I suppose that I'll get to work on my homework for tonight. Nothing insane, just a reveiw (edit, and final), and then a short reading and little write-up on that. I probably won't have much else to do tonight, but I'll probably sink my teeth into something else on my reading list. This is just a little interjection to put down some of my thoughts, since I seem to be having a lot of them lately. Well, I suppose when you get all self-reflective, that's what happens.

Aparently a lot of Asatruar (words.) are more right-minded, "family oriented", in terms of political standings. I've heard this in a few sources. Being a socialist... well. Not exactly going up with that whole right-wing deal. The ideals of Asatru strike me as being more in the socialist terms of being anyway, but maybe that's just me. I hope that's not just me. Families? Great. Fuck yeah, love and shit. Other than that... I don't even know. Conservative to me doesn't exactly scream Pagan. I'll make no judgement, though. Just something that struck me as odd.

Speaking of family, I actually looked into marriage rituals for Pagans. It's called hand-fasting, and has a much more appealing idea than what I've seen in other ceremonies thus far. Of course, I'm making the exclusion here of collaring ceremonies, which will probably always stand as the best idea of any kind of binding for me.

I actually had the weirdest nostalgia trip/dream (I can't remember what happened exactly, maybe I dreamed a memory) last night. And it made me come to the conclusion that, not to swell her head, my Princess is insanely intelligent in her world, or more specific to this case, multi-world veiws. As I think about things, her theories seem more and more relevant and plausible.

[Here I really have to get back to doing actual work, since it's eight and I don't want to be up all night. Ermahgerd, though, this is terrible boring.] Okay, short break from my work. My dad's mumbling like an insane man in the kitchen (I think he just said "and we all go to Hell" but I'm not sure), while making some kind of dinner. I think it's French toast. Yay, French toast! Downloaded some Loki mixes. One Loki&Thor (not shippy, unless their brotherly relations are shippy), and one Frostiron. They're both pretty cool. Finished the book. On the third paragraph of my Reveiw. Don't know how I'm going to get 750 words in there. Fuck yeah, now there's French Toast bitches!

Ah, and now I seem to be looking at schooling again. Princess's interested in the University of Winnipeg, which her father suggested to her. I'll have to check it out too (since I'm not too picky on schools at the moment, since my plans as of current don't involve me being financially stable enough to go to college next year, but the year after). But first this assignment! [I'm going to buckle down and fucking do it.]

Okay, and it is now the next day, and I'll continue my post a little where I left of last night, and just wrap that up because I have other things to talk about today that are way more important.

My nostaligia trip last night was when I used to wander out of my house at odd hours (like in the middle of the day and, opposed to that, at eleven at night) and into the little wood a few streets down. That's gone now, mind you, cut down and paved over with more suburbs. It wasn't even all that long ago, either. Actually, it's really been almost ten years... anyway. I used to wander out with the intent of finding the spirits of the forest, or something out there. I was caught, if I remember, between thinking I was crazy, actually believing, and then wondering if there would ever actually being anything. It was just kinda something that I remembered and now linked to this. Since nature and stuff, I suppose.

I really want to go and write something with substance, but I really just don't have any ideas/motivation to do so, other than wanting to in general. Which is kinda lame. That's what happened with the Marvel Thor preg!fic. It just never got off the ground, I couldn't even commit to a proper plot. The best thing I have going right now is the Guison Project, which hasn't been forgotten, I'm just breaking from it right now. I might even write another chapter this afternoon at some point. I mean... Princess is going about writing a novel, and I'm just like... "meh. *smuts*" I have to get something and just go with it, I suppose. I dunno what I'm gonna do. Maybe I need to break out of the Rox trap. Something.

Whatever. In the mean time, I think I'll pick up my sketchbook and stop making such insanely long LJ entries about nothing.

paganism, daily lifestuff, introspection, religion

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