01. Name:
02. Male/Female:
03. Were you named after anyone?
04. Does your name mean anything?
I think so, but most names mean something.
05. Nick Name(s):
Dani, Shi Tenshi, Shi, Dani-pants, Dan the Man, Deni, muscles
06. What do you think you look like:
uhm. average height, large built, not very attractive
07. Date Of Birth:
30th April
08. Place of Birth and Current Location:
09. Nationality:
10. Astrology Sign:
11. Chinese Astrology Sign:
12. Religion:
13. What's your favourite smell?
food lol, cookies, baked goods....mmm
14. Political Position?
15. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
light cranberry juice, coffee. would prefer other stuff, hot chocolate <3
16. Hair + Eye colour:
chocolate brown hair with red streaks, brown eyes
17. Do you look like anyone famous?
Mark thinks I look like Francisca Dani? LOL WHAT, mums friend said I looked like Drew barrymoe =/
18. What do you look like?
some whitey with big eyes
19. Any unusual talents?
Not really. i know a lot of things
20. Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?
21. Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?
Straight as hell.
22. What do you do for a living?
Safeway deli 2IC
23. What do you do for fun?
24. What are your favourite art materials to work with?
ahhh acrylics and pastels
25. What kind of materials would you like to work with?
26. Have you met your grandparents?
27. Boyfriend / Girlfriend:
28. Crush:
ah man, no idea.
29. What celebrity would you date if you could?
jim carry LOL
30. Current worries?
what to wear tonight
31. Favourite online Guy/Girl(s):
oooooh , tristinecitrine, Moot LOL, whats her name....thunder thigh chick
32. Favourite place to be?
not at work
33. Least favourite place to be?
work and home lol
34. Do you burn or tan?
i burninate
35. Ever broke a bone?
36. What is your favourite cereal?
i like shit, rice bubbles, coco pops. i dont eat them though.
37. Person you cry with:
no one.
38. Any sisters:
39. Any brothers:
40. Any pets:
cat and puppy
41. An Illness:
42. A Pager:
ha no
43. A Personal phone line:
i have a mobile and internet
44. A Cell phone:
45. A visible birthmark:
not really
46. A Pool or hot tub:
neither. depends what im up to ;D
47. A Car:
99' GLXi lancer
48. Personality:
demented but fun and nice...yet an arsehole
49. Driving:
I have my P's lol
50. Your clothing style:
none really. Wear what i want and thinks look nice.
51. Room:
messy as hell
52. What's missing?
53. School:
not schooling
54. Bed:
single :(
55. Relationship with your parent(s):
is fine
56. Do you believe in yourself:
57. Do you believe in love at first sight?:
58. Consider yourself a good listener:
i am
59. Have a future dream that you would like to share?:
nope. well. i wanna get all hot and sexy
60. Get Along with your parents?:
i do
61. Save your e-mail conversations:
i dont save, i just dont delete.
62. Pray:
i should
63. Believe in reincarnation:
64. Brush your teeth twice a day?
lol hmm
65. Like to talk on the phone:
not really.
66. Like to eat?
way too much
67. Like to exercise?
love it, pump those guns.
68. Like to watch sports?
not really.
69. Sing in the car?
haha sometimes
70. What is a dream that you have all the time?
i dont dream really
71. Dream in colour:
72. Do you have nightmares?
73. Sleep with a stuffed animal:
74. Right next to you:
75. On your favourite coffee cup?
^_^ face
76. On your mouse pad:
just black and a wrist rest
77. Your favourite flavour of gum?
78. Your brand of deodorant?
79. Your dream honeymoon spot:
80. Your dream husband/wife:
81. Hiding in your closet?
cosplays and wigs
82. Under your bed:
83. The name of one of your closest/best friend?
SIGH, I dont know anymore.
84. Your bad time of the day:
i hate waking up
85. Your worst fear(s):
not saying. way too many
86. What's the weather like:
warm and sunny
87. Your favourite time of year?:
88. Your favourite holiday?
anytime i dont have work
89. A material weakness?:
make up, toys, and shit
90. The weirdest food or drink that you like:
i dont think anything weird.
91. At the top of your "to-do list"?
92. The hardest thing about growing up:
ahhhhhh none really. doing well in school?
93. A pet peeve?
rude people, arseholes, selfishness/
94. Your scariest moment:
uhmmm none i can recall
95. Your attitude about love?
not interested, dont believe in it and think its a load of shit. Cause i am a bitter and twisted old man
96. The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?
Funniest? HA HA
"fuck yeah Shi-King"
not explaining THAT one on LJ.
I guess just like. dress nicely, thinking of questions to ask. wouldnt say DESPERATE.
97. The worst feeling in the world:
having your heart broken, feeling unloved and mislead. used.
98. The best feeling in the world:
when you think someone cares about you.
99. Who sent this to you?