Today is my birthday
go me.
Anyway, let me start by thanking everyone that makes my life happy ^_^
Apologies for this very badly written entry.
Last weekend I was at Supernova and I was given *dun dun dunnn* SUPRISE SHIFTS AT WORK. So I had -very very- little time to organise my party and my dress.
I literally sewed together my dress in about 5 hours or so and it showed but yes. Anyway. No sleep. Medical conditions. Too much stress makes Shi unhappy.
Anyway. Thursday after work at 12:30am I started frantically sewing and getting together all I could. Work Friday morning ended up coming home Friday evening gave me very VERY little time and had to sew 9am the day of my party! wtf!!
Thanks to mummy & daddy for makng me pretty sandwhiches, cakeables and all pretty thingys~
Thanks to Kit and Laura for taking over my cooking of some cupcakes and what not =3
Thanks to Mishka for making me cupcakes, cake and scones!
so much lovu.
Saturday morning, Sorrell rocks up to pick me and all my stuff up. I call him just as he arrives to come later. At that time I was undressed trying to sew more. Very bad. I was like, ack, to the point of tears.
Sorrell and co arrived and I was actually dressed! We got all my stuff and headed off. Just.
Anyway, we arrived huzzah!
Thanks to those that helped set up.
I will skip on the pointless details.
As time went by, more and more people turned up.
It was great seeing so many wonderful people.
So pretty.
I was helped to set up which was awesome and so much praise!
Anyway. People got stuck in and did up tea-party things?
There were some photoshoots which was shiney. I must say I was completley in love with wonderful Nats dress. It was totally gorgeous! Joy is so totally awesome!!
I must say. Those who gave my presents REALLY didn't have to. It was indeed an honour and privelage and I feel very blessed. I must say this also. There was a certain thing that I was given that really almost made my cry. Seriously. I don't cry. Ever. I don't know if it was just how latley my mental state has been or it was just what was uh written that really moved me. Anyway. I really really appreciate it. ^^
Thankyou all that showed up. You really made it special. I know that I wasn't a very good host. I didn't get to spend as much time with 'new' people but in my defence, I am quite a nervous person but I really wanted to spend more time with everyone but it was my duty to be a good hostess~
I sincerely hope everyone had a good time, once again apologies for the serious lack of organisation. I know , that damned wedding party! *shakes fist*
But anyway ^_^
*blows kisses*
I like it how the smallest things makes me so happy hehe.
After we had packed up, I headed off to Print Club with a few other people. It was fun ^_^ hehe.
Later we went to Fri's 21st. That was pretty fun too. Certain drunk people made it really weird and OMFG some certain people said certain things that made me go insane and that damned panty cake!!
Shi had an almost "insperational" moment which was kinda neat and is still chuffed.
I slept over and we had a jolly good night time chat bwahaha.
Today I went out to "Nikkos Greek Tavern" with my family and it was totally awesome. I am SOOOO full , still.
Ah so yes.
This is the overally concentrated point of my post.
Thankyou everyone who has been so kind to me.
I know I don't deserve to know and feel so happy so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and hope that you had fun at my birthday which was meant to be for my guests =3
I love you all so very much. I love and cherish and feel so humbled by everyone that makes me feel happy , even the littlest thing means so much.
Apologies once more for bad organisation.
Photos soon.
arn't I awesome?
Was the whole "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU" cause Asham made a "Fuu" cupcake and it totally pwned!
Gallery photos by the ever-present Neil Creek ^_^
~Luv Shi