The weekend was fun cause of PIT!Yeah.But more on that later.What I want to talk about is this.On a cold and blustery day I had decided to do some looking around for clothes. I noticed the store Ambercrombie.No not "and Finch"...just Ambercrombie.So I think to myself..."hmm Julia your a petite girl and having not visited the mega store of prostatot preppyness hows about a gander.After all you can fit into those clothes being short and you've never dared enter.Try something new!" So I venture into the store only to be greeted by a girl in the short sleeve shirt,mini skirt and UG boots.Now if there is one fashion trend that should not be alowed it is that in which makes you look like an Eskimo that got lost in Florida.Is this Florida?No.It's Chicago.Its freakin' 23 degrees outside.Yep.So I mosy on in and head straight to the tables.When in pricy stores one should head to the tables in the back for that is where the cheap stuff presides.As I stroll towards what I thought was a tee-shirt laden table I notice lace and ribbons and lack of material.What was on this table you ask?Thongs.Lots of lacy and pretty pink thongs.Now thats exactly what I want my 11 year old daughter to be wearing in her little 6th grade class.Heck why not start em out young and forget diapers..strap on a thong!It's thongariffic!The chances of my 11 year daughter wearing a thong are as strong as these guys wearin a thong.