I dedicate this entry to Natalie Long cause she wrote the bestest e-mail inthe world.Matt I'll visit you.Cassie..let go to Fall Out Boy.okay so I know that my new years resloution was to get involved but I think I slightly over did it. I have not been at my apt for more than 2 hours at a time.It's cool though cause I made alot of very awesome new friends so I have been hangin' out with them alot. Heather is halarious. I mean who says..."Excuse me I might fart soon."he he good times.Went to the huge college kids mass last night.Beautiful service cause the cardnial and bishops were there.Going with Meg on Sunday to their college youth group.Sat I think we are having some good times at Caitlins very cool indeed plus Dustin and his friends are comin up.I also joined student council..see where that goes.So yeah its been fun but busy!oh and this picture is slightly sad yet very funny.