Oct 13, 2005 00:21

PICTURESMy neighborhood.Notice the homeless dude.The yellow sign is the tattoo parlor and to the right the maroon sign is an African resturant.Down the street...slavation army time.It's really not so bad.Sometimes..if you look really hard, there is this strange beauty in it.Then again, you can find that alot of places I suppose.

I'm ready to be killed by the hand!Aftermath of 1212 party.

I'm so fond of ass.Especially Rashels.

How cute is that.Tiny.

Sam was pissed cause she couldnt' get her bread sticks apart.

I took this picture of Johnathan.I call it "fooding".

And here is my living room.You can kinda see that 12th story view.Ahh brillant.

Adventures in Naperville visit.I should probably move out of the above area into this safer one.

WERE THROWING A HALLOWEEN PARTY!um it may be alitte crowded.The estimate is over 60 guests crammed into a garden apt.So it's on the 29th around 8:00 and the rules are as followed.
1.Costume or don't come in.
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