the move

Jun 07, 2005 11:30

First off I found my cell so nevermind its 618-623-9855.Well I am offically here in Poughkeepsie,NY.Man its pretty here with all the mountains and stuff I forgot about all the scenery when I was in Illinois.However man this shit is NOT easy. Boo for missing things.I really dont like missing anything in general.It's funny that of course I miss the obvious places and things like my park or the house and even St.Louis alittle bit but its more hilarious because I never thought I'd miss other things such as filling up my car at the gas station for $1.98 (here the lowest is $2.34!!) or watching my brothers base ball games or the flat highways.Most of all I would love it if all my friends got in a truck and came up here.That would make this completely wonderful.Trying to relate this situation to college is not working out.Arg!Well this is going to be short and as non-emo as possible so call me if ya wanna know how I'm doing( Natalie Cassie and Ian pick up yo damn phone!!!!)or about the "new" house hahaha 1960 split level its so beautiful!!!!!!hahaha Oh and one more thing...please keep in touch and come visit me.Making new friends is, get this a hard thing to do so I could use some support!!!!Okay off to paint in the "new" house.Dont Reeses bites and Ska music make everything better?I am here ->
~edit~having your ex clean your carpets in your "old" house is infact weird.Or of the two."I am finally seeing that I was the one worth leaving....yeah I was the one worth leaving."oh and it hits hard.....bang bang bang shot me down.
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