About a week and a half ago while eating dinner, were heard a kitty crying. We checked on our two kitties but they were both calmly lounging. We looked out the window (partially open so the kitties could get air) and found a little black and white cat. We gave him some food and water and he wolfed down three bowls. He was gone in the morning, but came back every night. After a few days, I went outside to see if I could pet him. He started to run away, but came when I called. He immediately began to purr and curled up in my lap. My heart melted, naturally.
We put up "found cat" flyers around the neighborhood and on the internet. We took him to the vet and he did not have a microchip. We can't really keep him, but we have decided to foster him! We've named him Dunkin'. We found a pet rescue that will get him nuetered and give him shots. They will put him on their website and give him a space at their Petco adoption events.
The vet said he was healthy, except for an ear infection. He has to be separated from the other kitties for a couple of days until his ear drops kick in, but he will be joining them soon.