Things I need to say...

Feb 06, 2008 17:21

Well, this started out as me writing down a whole load of things I wanted to say to a whole load of people. I wanted to say this stuff, but at the same time didn't want to publicly drag up certain events and link them directly to the people involved. After all, this is stuff I'm saying to people who should know who they are, and if they want to make that public themselves, then I respect that they should make that decision.

Due to the need for a level of anonymity, I started each apology with a letter, denoting their name, surname or 'handle' of some form.
The thing is, that after a while it started to look like a meme, and them once it formed I kinda helped solidify it and allowed me to really think about who I should be talking to.
Some of you are in there multiple times under multiple letters because I'm talking to the name I associate the incident with. Though I will admit that for a few it was to kinda make this meme-like form work ^_-

If you recognise yourself among this (if you're on my friends list you probably will) and want to talk; you can comment; call me; or send me an email and we shall ^_^

If you don't see yourself there,but want to say something to me then comment, don't bottle it in. I want this year to allow me to have some form of a clean slate.

If you think someone I know hasn't/won't see this, then send them the link. This is for ALL to see, hence why it's not friends-only.

I've screened the comments, but I've allowed anonymous posting so that those that aren't on LJ can comment.

So without further ado here it is:

I can put my finger on exactly why I hardly spoke to you for the years that I knew you. Your boyfriend, and the ungodly fear instilled in me by witnessing your wrath on someone the second time I met you. Despite all that I still counted you as someone I've appreciated the opinion of, even if we never got to meet as much as either of us would have liked.
I haven't spoken to you in a long time, though I hear about ever so often through a friend. I hope your life is back on track and going from strength to strength.

I'm sure I'll figure out what it is about you that annoys me so. It's probably the over inflated ego, and tendency to act like a hypocrite. Beside all that I'm still trying to keep an open mind about you, though it get harder everyday.

I've heard differing reports about your life since i saw you last. It seems that everything went a bit screwy and it saddens me if some of the things I've heard are true. If you really turned your back on your best friend for them sticking by their partner, that doesn't speak well of you.
Although a lot of people are worried about who you're currently dating, I know that you've got enough common sense to know what you're doing there. Basically, If you wanna chat, you know where I am. Don't think that everyone has abandoned you, k?
I'll never forgive what you did to her, but I've learnt to live with it as she has. I hope you realise what you did, and that you never repeat that mistake.

You were my best friend, and you betrayed that trust with violence. I still stood by you and joked with you even though I knew something bad was festering within you. By the time I knew what it was and tried to warn you, you were too far gone and we had drifted apart. I've seen you since then and you've rebuilt your life. We've tried to chat again, but I think what we had can never be reclaimed. I'm broken goods that's slowly been rebuilt, but I'll never be truly whole again thanks to you.
I always value your honesty and dedication to your work. You've been a great friend and seem to be getting your life back on the mend. We haven't met up in ages due to various bits of drama and hectic schedules, we should rectify that in the near future, k?

You're one of the most creative people I've met, yet you have a work acumen that borders on the unimaginative. You've been a great friend to me and others, and I don't think you get thanked enough for the limbs you put yourself on for people. We'll probably see each other soon, and it'll have always been too long for me. So I'll grab the first round in and we'll pick up the chat where we last left it off ^_^

Every time you text me or call I'm always at work, skint or doing something else. I'm honestly not trying to avoid you, even if it might seem that way. I guess I'll have to see you and your brother at the Meet XD

Did you disappear off the face of the planet? I've not seen you on forums, LJ or in person for about 2 years, and the last time i saw you was only for a few mins. wherever you are I hope you're well and still making people laugh ^_-
Where do I start eh? I've got so many things I feel I should apologise to you for that if I apologised twice a day for the rest of the year I'd probably not be done. I treat the fact that you even speak to me after some of the stupid things I've done over the years as a sign of saintliness on your part(even if you are religious). I'm constantly trying to improve myself and I can put it down to the example you set. In no small way I can say that I envy what you can do, and what you have done in your life through the sheer amounts of hard work you've put in. Due to that I makes me feel even worse for the time in your life you've wasted by going at my slow pace.
You're the best friend I've ever had in my life and I only hope that one day I can find someway to pay you back for all the things you've done for me.

You still local to MK? If so, we should meet up sometime soon. It's nice to see you on my LJ at times, but it's been so many years since we last sat down for a drink together. In fact, I think the last time was at your mum's pub :P

Get a backbone, call him an asshole at least once, and tell her how you feel. You'll probably feel worse for it, knowing the way you are, but you may prove something to yourself as well.
You should know I don't like being around you, and even though I could attribute some of it to other factors, for the most part it's because you remind me of the person I've tried not to be, but could've been. I'm glad it works for you, and I wish you the best, just I hope I never again have to be involved in any aspect of your life.

E, I've watched you go from strength to strength, and I can only see more success in your future. I hope I'll still be able to chat to you as simply as we do now when you need an entourage and PA's to assist your hectic life ^_-
You're a good friend and a fantastically creative person. I hope you never lose that fervour and fire, as only great things will come from it.

You know I still have that PreCure colouring book I promised you? Do you still want it?
Your past has caused you to doubt everything in your future to the point of indecision. Know that I'll always honestly tell you if you make a bad decision, but please try to understand that making that bad decision is better than not having decided at all.
Having said that, you shouldn't hold yourself to being dependant on the opinions of others though. The rest of the human race has managed to struggle through on its own, and I know you'll be able to as well if you ever have to.
Remember, we may be the sons of our fathers, but we don't have to be them ^_-

The amount you're drinking and the way you're talking about your partner are seriously worrying me at the moment. I hope that you really do have it under control, because I'd like to trust you on it.
However, I will call you out on it, if it gets any worse.
Don't worry yourself. Nothing that you've done can't be undone, and I understand why it all went wrong. If you need a shoulder, you know I'm here ^_^
You have great ideas and promise. If you think it's something you should do, go and do it. That's what we did, and it's what you should do as well.
Even if you fail you'll learn something, but imagine the rewards if you succeed.
You were one of the first anime fans I met at a meet, and I was glad to find someone who shared one of my passions. In the time since then I've seen you go through many ups and downs, but you've always striven through. I don't know if I've ever told you how proud I am to have helped you and been there to see you struggle on with your craft, but I think you should know.
I've given advice to you whenever you've asked for it, and I never know how much of it you take on board, but I hope you can stand to hear another piece of it.
When you, D, & I were chatting late into the night at an Ayacon many years ago, you managed to drop this 'shell' you seem to put up when around others. It's that 'shell personality' of yours that has systematically got you into trouble over the years and it probably would've impacted friendships you've had if some of us didn't see behind it. SO that's the advice over, just remember that you're a good person and you don't need to prove that to anyone but yourself, k?

Why did you give yourself that title? I understand that it could be that you've misinterpreted what it means, but it's quite offensive to a lot of people who see it. Think & research a bit more next time, k?

You're a bitch for everything you've done to me since we last met face to face, but i still can't find it in my heart to hate you. Maybe one day we'll be able to have a conversation that doesn't end in a screaming match, but before then you'll have to prove to me that you've finally got some standards. I still have the fondest memories of the time we spent together, as they were one of the happiest times in my life, but that means that your betrayal never seems far enough away to stop hurting.

It's been fun watching your web-comic grow, I just hope you aren't getting worked over too hard at work. Your job was never a forgiving one :P
Somehow a silent war happened between us, caused by a mis-understanding which I then picked up months later and misunderstood further. As far as I know we're back to being on an even keel with each other, and I hope it'll stay that way ^_^ I suppose it's what i deserve for jumping to conclusions :P

If you aren't on-line tomorrow night I swear I'll break your kneecaps.... I need to do instances damn you :P
I still see you from time to time on LJ, and it's good to hear of your exploits. We never really got on too well when working with each other due to the massive clash our personalities would make. However, they were still good times, and even though they ended on a sour note, I've always been glad that neither of us held bad feelings toward each other.
I'm sorry for falling out of touch with you through sheer negligence on my part. It'd be great for us to meet up at Minami or even to just chat again on MSN.

You remind me of me in so many ways. You're social; easy-going; excited by new ideas; and willing to always help. However, you also share a lot of my bad flaws, like laziness; bad organisation; and inattentiveness.
For all these things you're liked by a copious amount of friends, and you recognise some of them for this more than others. Due to this, I'd like to advise you to always make sure not to forget how precious these friends are, lest they not turn the cheek that third time. I've had experience of it, and it's never the same for you or them afterwards. Try to learn from my mistakes ^_^

My offer stands for another year at Toko. You really should come as it's not been the same without ya :P

Yes I am, but you aren't the sole cause.

It's been great to see you back on LJ, even if I am only lurking for the most part. Even though there was a falling out between you and one of my friends I'm glad that we've been able to keep that from effecting us :P
By the way, the beard just worries me XD
I've hidden the fact that I knew where you displayed on-line within a few minutes of you telling me about it.
I've kept this to myself, as I never really knew how to broach the subject. However, I feel that you should at least know that I know, and that it never changed my view of you at all.

Hold onto her and don't ever mistreat her or take her for granted. You're so lucky and I hope you realise it everyday.

There have been times that we've wanted to strangle each other, and I'm sure I'm the cause in most of those instances. However, we alway manage to bring things back straight, and I suppose that's why we can still deal with each others madness.
I hope things are going great for you over there, and you must shout me the next time you're in the UK :P
I want to see more of your writing, but I can imagine you're getting busier by the day. I should hopefully get to chat with you at Toko this year and possibly share a toast ^_^

I wonder if you're married these days or if you're still engaged. It's been a while since we just enjoyed the silence together, and I'd love to reminisce.
You dead? Haven't seen/heard from you in months. Stop hiding bro, it's not healthy.
You'll never rebuild the trust you broke in me, but I'm still interested to see if you've finally managed to break out of the vicious cycle your life kept leading you in.
If not, then you're only doing what others have always expected of you. :(
It's been nearly two years to the day since I let you know my feelings for you. In that time, we've grown further apart, due to our changing social circles and my ever-decreasing ability to travel. Hopefully I'll get to see you at Minami or Toko, and I'd like to have one of those nice comfortable chats we used to have. I know I'll never mean to you what you mean to me, but maybe that doesn't matter. As long as you can look at me with one of those smiles and can honestly say to me you're happy, that'll have to be enough. I'm going to have to try to move on with my life as you've moved on with yours.

You aren't fat.
Never think you're fat, because you aren't.
Besides he'd never look down on you for something so petty, he loves you ya know :P
We drifted apart when you moved, and your mobile has changed since then. I miss our stupidly long chats, and I hope you're in a good place out there.

I constantly forget to call you, and whenever I remember your number's not to hand. It's been so long since we've hung out though, I don't know if the circles we move in are totally different now. I still remember the promise we made to drink that bottle of sake when we're in our 40's and I still have it saved. Maybe you'll see this and drop me a line, or maybe I'll actually stump up and take a chance, either way a part of me misses the times we had. Good & bad.

Trust me, I'm not the only person who wishes you were single :P
You shouldn't listen to him when he belittles you like that, just think about whether it's worth it.
I've already had my chat with you, and I'm glad we managed to reconcile things. How about coming down one weekend like old times, it'd be a laff ^_^
I only ever have one thing to say to you, and that is to remember to sleep. You know you're still famous for your insomnia right?
As much of a friend as I've been to you, I also feel that I should apologise for all those times I've frustrated and let you down. My own laziness has caused you no-end of strife and is something that I feel guilty for every time I see your work. You've done so much with your life, and I'm glad to have known you and be able to call you friend ^_^

You should know I think of her like a little sister. So you should think about that the next time you go messing with her heart.
We hardly talk anymore, and I know a lot of that is due to me not being on-line as much as I used to. Still, an email once in a while wouldn't be bad, and if you're okay receiving one from me, maybe we can rekindle the random chats of carrots we once had :P
I have no idea what you probably think of me right now, other than you probably don't think of me. If you do though, and wonder how I feel about you, know that I no longer have any feelings toward you good or bad. I may have been highly emotional at the time, but I could see your position through the haze, and in the years since I've used that incident to grow into a better person. So if you ever spot me at a bar, and fancy making that step to chat about rubbish like we once did, then go for it. I doubt we can ever truly be friends again, but I'd like to think we could have a civilised chat over a pint, eh?
I've warned you in the past about comments like that. I may well take you up on it :P

If you want to use this format & idea for yourself, please do so with my blessings ^_^.
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