another survey curtosy of cindy

Dec 21, 2005 12:24

40 QUESTIONS...ready...GO!

1. Ever been given a ring? yes.

2. Longest Relationship? i have absolutely no idea how to answer this question.

3. Last gift you received: a cd, a mascot shirt and a journal...

4. How many times have you dropped your cell today? none

5. Last sport you played? no idea

6. Things you spend a lot of money on? shoes

7. Three things you ate last? orange, chocolate milk and cereal

8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? face

9. One favorite song? I can't pick just one.

10. Where do you live? NY

11. High school you attend(ed): FHHS

12. Cell phone service provider: none of your business

13. Favorite mall store: Best Buy

14. Longest Job held: bartender

15. Do you own a pair of dice? no

16. Do you prank call people? only with Jimmy

17. Last wedding attended? my aunts when i was like 12

18. First friend you'd call if you won the lottery? monica

19. Last time you attended church: a few months ago

20. Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's

21. Biggest lie you have heard? I was busy.

22. Immediate Vacation Spot: lake como

23. Where's your favorite place to eat with friends: Panang's on spring street

24. Can you cook? yes

25. What car do you drive? I don't... yet.

26. Best kisser? I'll keep that to myself.

27. Last time you cried? mm like two days ago

28. Most hated food: is there such a thing

29. Thing you like most about yourself: my hair believe it or not

30. Thing you hate most about yourself: i'm to trusting.

31. Person you want to do in a bad way? hee hee

32. Longest shift you have worked at a job? omg inventory at the body shop during christmas time..

33. Favorite Movie? can't pick

34. Can you sing? a lil

35. Last concert attended? Jay Z

36. Last kiss? does a kiss during a scene count?

37. Last movie rented: no idea

38. Fave alcoholic drink: cranberry and vodka or cosmo's

39. Thing you never leave home without: chapstick

40. What are you gonna do now that you're done? study for my finals
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