May 04, 2005 18:12
I'm tempted to make this entry soley about this music that I'm listening too... because its really... good....
I've noticed lately that my mind has become more one tracked. Its a little annoying at times because I can't think about the past or the future so it leads to me doing to rather stupid things and not paying attention. Kind of like right now...
oh, well... alas... my mind is "healing" I guess (as metaphorical and euphoric as that may sound... *gag*)
I Blame Society is progressing well, although I can't figure out why it's not higher on the charts. Whatever, though, I'm not on there for the charts. I'm on there for my own squeeks and giggles when some one comments and such....
*Is SOOO distracted by music...* gooooooood.... *dances*
I'm happy someone near my age can make music worth something that isn't a repeat of the last "revolutionary" style (My Chemical Romance, The Used, Blink 182... they're all posers... why do they make music? or rather... sound... )
anyway... this music is making my brain be choppy...
And I have to practice... so Away I must.
welcoMe to new dIctioN...
~d ANGER Dog