(no subject)

Feb 16, 2007 22:36

Title: Bad memory.
Fandom: Saiyuki.
Pairing/Character: Genjyo Sanzo and Son Goku. No pairings.
Rating: T for safety but probably not that bad.
Warnings: None really.
I don't own Saiyuki. Kazuya Minekura does.

Document Opened: 02/15/2007, 02:54pm.

Authors Note:

Currently 05:04pm.

This will be for Sanzo and Goku. No yaoi or shounen-ai.

Or pairings for that matter.Possible Out Of Character-ness.

From list two. Memory.

Sanzo mentally cursed his luck today.

They had to go through part of a cave to get through to the other side but then some demons thought it would be a good idea to attack while they were inside aforementioned cave and caused some of the cavern to collapse around them.

The demons practically killed themselves with the assault but they also managed to separate themselves from Hakkai and Gojyo and to add to that the monkey wasn't exactly being that responsive.

Sanzo glanced over at him. He was sitting against the wall with his knees pulled up to him. His usually bright golden eyes that normally shone with innocence and joy were now dull and lifeless.Practically blank.

Sanzo walked over to him frowning.

"Hey monkey."

Still nothing. He sat down near the boy and decided to use the harisen and so he whacked him with it.

Goku lightly turned to him eyes still blank proceeded to latch onto him like he was a lifeline.

Sanzo knew he wasn't exactly the type of person that was a comforter. Now he had a scared monkey clinging to his waist like he might possibly disappear or go away. He remembered back to a couple of weeks after he first freed the boy and told the other monks that he would be staying for awhile.

He had a nightmare and Sanzo being unsure of what to do just let him stay with him in his room for the night. He did not understand why but that had made the boy really happy.

Back to present.

He put one arm around the boy who was now shaking a little like a scared child in a thunderstorm.

"Sanzo, Your still there right?"

He didn't want to open his eyes and be alone. This place was too much like Mt.Gogyo for his own liking.

"Stupid monkey."

"If I look will you still be there?"

He knew it seemed a bit dumb to ask but he remembered flashes of the other blond haired man that looked like Sanzo but somewhat different. They flashed in and out.

"Look I couldn't get rid of you even if I tried."

"Hey Sanzo.."


"Thank you."



"What is it now.?"


Before he could push the monkey off of him he felt him relax and his breathing coming and going evenly.

He resigned himself to stay like that for the moment. There wasn't much else he or the monkey could do since Gojyo and Hakkai would have to clear in from the other side.

He found his cigarette pack and his lighter. It didn't have much fuel but at least it had enough to use for now.

A little while later Hakkai had removed one of the last boulders to free the two and almost went in shock when he saw the scene he found. He waved Gojyo to come see but quietly.

He was wondering what Hakkai was smiling at. Well he figured they weren't dead or else he wouldn't be smiling like that.

When he looked in he had to keep himself from laughing out loud.

Against the wall opposite where they were Goku and Sanzo were both sitting against the wall. Goku was leaning against Sanzo who had his arm around the boy and they were both asleep.


Sometime later Goku started waking up and instead of the cavern he remembered. They were in jeep.

"Man you sleep allot for a monkey."

Gojyo muttered.

"Umm weren't we in a cave or something?"

"Do you see any mountains or anything like around here?"

Sanzo didn't even bother to look back at him.

He looked around at the passing scenery. It was evening time and it was open road all around. He was beginning to wonder if he dreamed the whole thing.

"Um...I guess not."

Then his stomach growled and everyone pretty much sweatdropped.

"I'm hungry."

Gojyo said something to him then he responded and the two were arguing in the back.


"Eh Sanzo are you sure about your decision."

"Yes. Mention it and I will kill you."

"Oh look there's a town. We can find a restaurant there."

A day and half ago when Hakkai and Gojyo managed to get them free and Sanzo had woken and after some teasing from Gojyo and many types of death threats from Sanzo they agreed to not bring it up. Although they really were not expecting him to sleep for so long though.

That night at an inn.

Sanzo had just sat his paper down when someone knocked at the door. Goku popped his head in.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to thank you. And good night."

He left heading back to his own room.

Sanzo lightly smirked.

"Stupid monkey."


Authors Note:

Is it just me or is something off in this story.

Again not Yaoi or shounen-ai.:b.


02/15/2007, 10:06pm.
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