Title: Akward Moments?...Maybe Not
Rating: Rish
Genre: -blush-
A/N: For Music_Loner whom I love! Sorry it took so long and this is only the 1st part. I'll get the rest up eventually....
As he pondered one of life’s greatest mysteries, he began to hum a random tune under his breath. )
I just wanna say i really like this!!!
YeTeuk is so cute! Kya!
and i love the way it was written!!!
u mentioned that this is the 1st part, will there actually be more? XD
I'm glad you like it, I didn't really like it, but that's just cause I'm better at angst.
Thank you^^
Um...The second part is EunHae and it was called Here, I'll Help You, or something along the lines of it.
D: how could u say that! I thought it was Just-Oh-So-Wonderful!!! Angst or not, it was still written perfectly!!!!
U should deffo write more YeTeuk XD
Oh right, Thanx. I shall go find that EunHae fic now!!
I think it was Love Yourself Before you love me
Want me to write one for you?
I shall now go find it!!!
Oh and u would do that?? a YeTeuk for me??
Yes Please!!! -bows-
omg that is soooooo awesome of u!!!
Gah! I <33333 u so much!!!!
PS Thanx for the add ^___^
The Same Old thing
And indeed I would do that. And YehTeuk of your very own, just for you.
Anything in particular you want to happen in it? Rating? Genre?
I <33333 you so much too^^
-hugs back-
PS, your very welcome^^
Awwww ur so sweet! my own YeTeuk !! -Squeal-
Ummm .... anything with YeTeuk makes me happy lol!!
I really dont mind about the rating/genre XD
and plot wise, suprise me? XDDDDDDDDDDDD
now onto the fic!
i shall start bombing ur comment box in the other fic as soon as i finish reading! XDDDD
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